
Introduction / Philosophy

blah blah blah

Breakdown by Program Classification

  • Projects (VLT, other ESO domains, sysadmin)
  • Applications (framemaker, matlab, purify, midas, pixelfx!, iraf, helpdesk)
  • Operating Systems (hpux 10 os patches, vendor support, vlt hpux 10 specific problems and procedures, vlt solaris 2 specific problems and procedures)
  • Free Software (rdist, netscape, sudo, rocon, mondsk, fadscan, esopkg,
  • Intended Classification to Location Map - Guidelines For New Software

    OS Contents Location
    HP-UX 10 old VLT software (not used now) /usr/local
    HP-UX 10 large commercial applications /software
    HP-UX 10 packaged free software (packaged here, or Liverpool) /usr/server/opt
    HP-UX 10 very small free utilities /usr/server/{bin,man}
    Solaris 2 host-specific programs /usr/local
    Solaris 2 packaged free software (packaged here, or VNET) /usr/server/opt
    Solaris 2 GNU utlilities, compilers, interpreters, etc /usr/server/gnu/{bin,man}
    Solaris 2 small and large free utilities /usr/server{bin,man}

    $Header: /home/ct/serco/ahuxley/docs/html/serco-faq/new/software/RCS/index.html,v 1.6 1997/08/14 10:02:55 ahuxley Exp ahuxley $