
Introduction / Philiosophy

This is a maths/stats package used only by Lothar Noethe, but is installed on the HP-UX /software server to allow for other systems wanting access in the future (though note that the current licenses are are for te16 only).

This section describes the installation process, though the booklet "Matlab / Installation guide for Unix" will help too.

te16# mkdir -p /software/matlab/etc

Copy the license file to /software/matlab/etc/license.dat. Note that the license.dat file should contain only 'FEATURE' and comment lines; there should not be 'SERVER' or 'DAEMON' lines - these are added by the installation process. Just in case you can't find a copy of the file, here it is:

FEATURE TMW_Archive MLM 5 01-dec-1997 0 1CA2C82E8817A932B5E1 "87" DEMO
FEATURE MATLAB MLM 5 01-dec-1997 1 0C72385E322BE36C72F2 "" 77d2fac8
FEATURE SIMULINK MLM 5 01-dec-1997 1 0CC2282ED950B93BF4EB "" 77d2fac8
FEATURE Control_Toolbox MLM 5 01-dec-1997 1 7C12C86E2B3940999DB3 "" 77d2fac8
FEATURE Signal_Toolbox MLM 5 01-dec-1997 1 1CA2D89E27FA47262150 "" 77d2fac8

The CDROM should be mounted with the 'cdcase' option, so run this command and add the option if the editor starts

te16# grep cdcase /etc/fstab || vi /etc/fstab
te16# mount /cdrom

te16# export DISPLAY=<your_X_terminal>:0

and if necessary run xhost on your X session host

te16# cd /cdrom
te16# ./install.

(note the trailing dot) and then on the 'MATLAB Root Directory' screen enter /software/matlab

on the 'License File' screen nothing should need to be changed

on the 'Installation Options' screen nothing should need to be changed

on the 'Installation Data' screen, leave symlink creation off, turn off manual page installation and enter the license number, which is currently 100615.

confirm the installation, which takes about 10-15 minutes.

To complete to installation the following commands need to be entered to start the Matlab license daemon on bootup

#te16 cp /usr/server/etc/rc.lm.hp /sbin/init.d/flexlm
#te16 perl -pi -e 's/-u username/-u sys/' /sbin/init.d/flexlm
#te16 chmod 555 /sbin/init.d/flexlm
#te16 echo FLEXlm_MATLAB=1 > /etc/rc.config.d/flexlm
#te16 chmod 444 /etc/rc.config.d/flexlm
#te16 ln -s /sbin/init.d/flexlm /sbin/rc3.d/S900flexlm
#te16 ln -s /sbin/init.d/flexlm /sbin/rc2.d/K100flexlm

the license manager should be started now with

te16# /sbin/init.d/flexlm start

The manual pages should be linked to an existing location:

te16# cd /usr/server/man/man1
te16# ln -s /software/matlab/man/unformatted/* .

The commands themselves should be linked to an existing location:

te16# cd /usr/server/bin
te16# ln -s /software/matlab/bin/* .

$Header: /home/ct/serco/ahuxley/docs/html/serco-faq/new/software/applications/RCS/matlab.html,v 1.3 1997/08/14 10:02:26 ahuxley Exp ahuxley $