
Introduction / Philosophy


These instructions are for HPUX10.10 machines NFS-mounting /usr/server from te16.

Download it from one of the USA netscape mirrors, as directed from the Netscape home page, and copy it to te16 into a temporary directory, say, /tmp/netscape. Run:

te16# umask 022
te16# unzip < netscape-v301-export.hppa1.1-hp-hpux.tar.gz | tar xvf -
te16# mv netscape /usr/server/bin
te16# chown root:root /usr/server/bin/netscape
te16# chmod 555 /usr/server/bin/netscape
te16# mkdir -p /usr/server/doc/netscape
te16# mv LICENSE README /usr/server/doc/netscape
te16# chown root:root /usr/server/doc/netscape/*
te16# chmod 444 /usr/server/doc/netscape/*
te16# mkdir -p /usr/server/lib/netscape
te16# mv XKeysumDB java_301 /usr/server/lib/netscape
te16# chown root:root /usr/server/lib/netscape/*
te16# chmod 444 /usr/server/lib/netscape/*

Add the following lines to the end of /etc/csh.login:

# <your_initials> <date>: Support for a Netscape
setenv XKEYSYMDB /usr/server/lib/netscape/XKeysymDB
setenv CLASSPATH /usr/server/lib/netscape/java_301

Add the following lines to the end of /etc/profile:

# <your_initials> <date>: Support for a command Netscape XKeysymDB
XKEYSYMDB=/usr/server/lib/netscape/XKeysymDB; export XKEYSYMDB
CLASSPATH=/usr/server/lib/netscape/java_301; export CLASSPATH

Remaining files from the distribution can be deleted.

$Header: /home/ct/serco/ahuxley/docs/html/serco-faq/new/software/free-software/RCS/netscape.html,v 1.2 1997/06/16 20:06:05 ahuxley Exp $