The scanner is available in the user room (001). Details of it's use are available online here. The basic steps in using it are:
If you are logging in to the ws7 console in the user room then skip this section.
Start up an xterm and run the commands:
ws4$ xhost +ws7
ws4$ rlogin ws7
if your shell is csh-compatible run the commands:
ws7$ setenv DISPLAY ws4:0
If your shell is sh-compatible then run the commands:
ws7$ DISPLAY=ws4:0; export DISPLAY
If running via ws4 or directly on the ws7 console, now run:
ws7$ pwd
and note the directory there. If your shell is csh-compatible then now run:
ws7$ setenv PIXELFXDIR /disks/diska/Pixel2
ws7$ setenv PATH $PATH\:$PIXELFXDIR/bin
otherwise run:
ws7$ PIXELFXDIR=/disks/diska/Pixel2; export PIXELFXDIR
Put one or more images under the scanner lid face down
then run the command (not in the background):
ws7$ pfx
Depending on your window manager setup, you may have to "place" your windows using the left mouse button.
On the "Packages" menu, pick "Scanjet II"
On the "File" menu, pick "Prescan"
At this point a scanner error will occur! Acknowledge the scanner error by clicking on "Ok"
On the Packages menu, pick "Scanjet II" again
On the "File menu, pick "Prescan" again
Select the area you want using the mouse
On the "File" menu, pick "Scan"
Wait for the picture to appear
On the "File" menu, pick "Save as"
Repeatedly double-click on the ".." entry in the directory list until you are the top directory, and then double-click down to your own directory - which you should have noted down earlier
Change the picture format to "Jpeg" and enter the name of the file to save
If you wish to scan another area of the same prescan, then simply select that area and on the "File" menu, pick "Scan"
If you wish to scan something new, put it under the scanner and on the "File" menu, pick "Prescan"
When you have finished then close all PixelFX windows, and logout by double-clicking on the "Logout" word in the icon box, and then single click on the word logout in the little window that appears.
$Header: /home/ct/serco/ahuxley/docs/html/serco-faq/new/software/applications/RCS/pixelfx.html,v 1.1 1997/06/13 12:34:40 ahuxley Exp $