#!/bin/bash # Configurable stuff # Other globals # Includes . $(miniade) || { echo "${0##*/}: ERROR: miniade failed (hint: run 'miniade' to see error)" >&2; exit 1; } main() { local PROGNAME miniade_get_progname PROGNAME { miniade_info "generating prologue ..." # Start from nothing echo "flush ruleset" # Create prerequisite containers echo "table ip filter {" echo " chain INPUT {" echo " type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept;" # block China & Russia miniade_info "generating rules to block China and Russia ..." I=0 for COUNTRY in cn ru; do wget -qO - http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/countries/$COUNTRY.zone | while read CIDR; do ((I++)) # On the command line the spaces and other characters need to be removed (even backslash-escaping, # as suggested somewhere on the web, didn't work). However, if I put spaces in /etc/nftables.conf # and run 'systemctl restart nftables' then the spaces are present in the output of 'nft list ruleset'. gen_block $CIDR "block $COUNTRY CIDR#$I" done done # Block other stuff miniade_info "generating rules to block other stuff ..." CIDR_COMMENT_TUPLES=( "Hetzner Online GmbH (hack requestor on judithhabgood.freemyip.com)" "Hetzner Online GmbH (hack requestor on judithhabgood.freemyip.com)" "Hetzner Online GmbH (hack requestor on judithhabgood.freemyip.com)" "Hetzner Online GmbH (hack requestor on judithhabgood.freemyip.com)" "Hetzner Online GmbH (hack requestor on judithhabgood.freemyip.com)" "Hetzner Online GmbH (hack requestor on judithhabgood.freemyip.com)" "Hetzner Online GmbH (hack requestor on judithhabgood.freemyip.com)" ) for ((I=0; I<${#CIDR_COMMENT_TUPLES[*]}; I+=2)); do CIDR=${CIDR_COMMENT_TUPLES[$I]} COMMENT=${CIDR_COMMENT_TUPLES[$((I+1))]} gen_block $CIDR "$COMMENT" done miniade_info "generating epilogue ..." echo " }" echo "}" } > /tmp/$PROGNAME.$$.nft miniade_info "loading generated output ..." nft -f /tmp/$PROGNAME.$$.nft rm -f /tmp/$PROGNAME.$$.nft miniade_info "saving current config ..." { echo "#!/usr/sbin/nft -f" echo "# This file was generated by $PROGNAME on $(date)." echo echo "flush ruleset" echo nft list ruleset } > /etc/nftables.conf chmod 755 /etc/nftables.conf miniade_info "reloading that to make sure it works ..." /etc/nftables.conf } gen_block() { local CIDR COMMENT CIDR=$1 COMMENT=$2 echo " meta iifname br0 ip saddr $CIDR tcp dport { http, https } counter log prefix \"DROPPED: \" drop comment \"$COMMENT\"" } main "$@"