# $HeadURL$ $LastChangedRevision$ ifndef FACILITY_REPOS_MK FACILITY_REPOS_MK = 1 # In pass #1: load recipe generators # In pass #0: load generated recipes include method-generator.mk include method-key.mk # Do not install stuff in this facility; the network may be down! # Variables # Variables mentioned both in pass#1 and pass#0. #KEY_IDS += debian-1 # Debian #KEY_IDS += debian-2 # Debian #KEY_IDS += debian-9 # Debian 10 (yes, 10!) #KEY_IDS += debian-9-security # Debian 10 (yes, 10!) #KEY_IDS += owncloud-rzg # Owncloud client (for RZG) KEY_IDS += debian.org.bullseye # Debian Bullseye KEY_IDS += debian.org.bookworm # Debian Bootworm KEY_IDS += security.debian.org # Debian Security KEY_IDS += certbot.eff.org # Certbot PPA KEY_IDS += sabnzbd.org # sabnzbplus #KEY_IDS += google.com # Google Chrome (only needed on delguine, where Suzie installed google-chrome manually) KEY_IDS += skype.com # Skype (only needed on delguine, where Suzie installed google-chrome manually) KEY_IDS += pasta.freemyip.com # pasta.freemyip.com (need to keep names short else make complains) KEY_IDS += dropbox.com # Dropbox #KEY_IDS += geti2p.net # I2P #KEY_IDS += mysql.com # Oracle/MySQL KEY_IDS += openproject.org # OpenProject KEY_IDS += signal.org # Signal Desktop DEDUPED_SORTED_HYPHENATED_KEY_IDS = $(shell echo $(KEY_IDS) | xargs -n 1 | sort -u | paste -s -d-) # Tell recipe generators what to generate recipes for ifeq ($(PCMS_PASS_NUM),3) all.generator: $(shell encode /etc/apt/sources.list).generator else ifeq ($(PCMS_PASS_NUM),2) else ifeq ($(PCMS_PASS_NUM),1) # Check symbols we'll use in recipes below. $(eval $(call check_var_set,FILESPATH)) $(eval $(call check_var_set,KEYSPATH)) all.copy: $(shell encode /etc/apt/sources.list).copy all.key: $(foreach KEY_ID,$(KEY_IDS),$(KEY_ID).key) # The real Makefile else ifeq ($(PCMS_PASS_NUM),0) all.facility: repos.facility # Repos are not usable (i.e. one cannot run 'apt-get install X' until the repos' contents has been # cached. Therefore repos.facility depends on repos-cached.fix and repos-cached.fix depends on # repos-defined.fix. repos.facility: repos-defined.fix repos-authenticatable.fix repos-cached.fix touch $@ repos-defined.fix: $(shell encode /etc/apt/sources.list).copy touch $@ repos-authenticatable.fix: keys-$(DEDUPED_SORTED_HYPHENATED_KEY_IDS).fix touch $@ keys-$(DEDUPED_SORTED_HYPHENATED_KEY_IDS).fix: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d $(foreach KEY_ID,$(KEY_IDS),$(KEY_ID).key) $(RM) keys-*.fix touch $@ /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d: mkdir -p "$@" repos-cached.fix: repos-defined.fix repos-authenticatable.fix netreach --debug=$(VERBOSELEVEL) repos package update touch $@ endif # PCMS_PASS_NUM endif # FACILITY_REPOS_MK