Template: pcms/disable_cdrom_repos Type: boolean Default: true Description: Would you like to disable CD-ROM software repositories? By default on a new Debian system, some CD-ROM repositories are enabled. Since you almost certainly didn't install this system using a CD-ROM and since such repositories can prevent apt-get and PCMS from working properly, they should probably be disabled. Template: pcms/create_baseline Type: boolean Default: true Description: Would you like to create a baseline for PCMS? PCMS will add the packages that it installs to the debfoster database. However, this will not affect the status of the packages that were installed before PCMS was run for the first time. In order that PCMS not repeatedly report these packages as orphans, PCMS can add those packages to the debfoster database now, effectively creating a baseline for PCMS. Template: pcms/baseline_created Type: boolean Default: false Description: This question should never be seen? Pointless description