# start of with a file containing the waypoints, as extracted from Turbo thingy. # use the travelling-salesman script to generate a route from this. # improve the route (it will "fly" from cafe to cafe so route needs improving). # convert route to waypoints (both cafes and turning points along route) gpsbabel -i gpx -f route.gpx -x transform,wpt=rte,del -o gpx -F waypoints.gpx # remove all except CAFE* waypoints perl -0777 -pi -e 's/(?!CAFE).*?<\/wpt>\n//gs' waypoints.gpx # extrace waypoint name and cafe name, with tab separator sed -nr 's/.*name>(CAFE...): (.*)<\/name>/\1\t\2/p' waypoints.gpx # then copy and paste that from screen to XLS. # format rows for alternating colours (or clone doc that alreadty has # that. # Export PDF. # sort descending cols #1 and #2 so second person can work down doc # rather than up doc. # Export PDF again.