#include "ded.h" #include "char.h" #include "jmp.h" #include "lines.h" #include "match.h" #include "signal.h" #include "ter.h" #include "tty.h" /************************************************************************ * * * copyright Richard Bornat 1981 * * * ************************************************************************/ /* char.h */ char c_MODIFY, c_CONTROL, c_BLOB; /* ded.h */ int nrows; int ncols; struct CURSOR virt_c,real_c; struct CURSOR in_c, edit_c; char **rowmap, **auxscreen; char auxl[ENOUGH]; unsigned l_offset[NLINES]; char filename[ENOUGH], tempname[ENOUGH]; char pidname[ENOUGH], pathname[ENOUGH]; char tailname[ENOUGH]; char dlogname[ENOUGH]; char erow[ENOUGH]; /* range.c */ int b_range[NLETTS] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; int e_range[NLETTS] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; /* comm.c */ char old_search[ENOUGH]; char old_pat[ENOUGH]; /* unix.c */ char unixbuffer[ENOUGH]; char plusbuffer[ENOUGH]; /* UMIST addition */ char *curr_break = 0; int topl = 0, maxl = 0; int txin, tbout; int ringing = true; int mode; int toprow,bottomrow,leftcol,rightcol; int tmp_changed = false; int filewritten = false; int dlogger = -1, tty_input; int std_in, std_out; int setup_done; /* ttysetup */ int Pswitch = false, Prows, Pcols; /* to say whether io is from pipe */ int editright; /* position of diagnostic message */ int diag_printed = false; /* UMIST addition */ int tabsiz = 8; /* UMIST addition */ int NINROWS; /* (nrows-1) */ int LASTINROW; /* (nrows-2) */ int EDITROW; /* (nrows-1) */ int FOOTROW; /* (nrows-1) */ int SCROLL; /* (nrows/3) */ int RIGHTCOL; /* (ncols-1) */ /* match.h */ int ab_line, ab_col; int ms_line, ms_col, mf_line, mf_col; int mt_line, mt_col; /* re.c */ char RE[RESIZE+10]; struct BR br_note[BRLIM]; int br_count; /* find.c */ int g_fline; char *g_bufp; int g_state; /* signal.h */ int intr_typed=false, quit_typed=false; /* ter.h */ struct TERMINAL ter; /* dbug.c */ long d_opt = (long)0; /* tty.c */ struct TTYBUF ttybuf, dlogbuf, ttyinbuf; /* stuff for jumpouts */ jmp_buf dc_env, mn_env;