head 1.1; access; symbols; locks alexis:1.1; strict; comment @# @; 1.1 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @Readme file for upsd @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @README FILE FOR UPSD -------------------- 1) MANIFEST ----------- Makefile makefile for the UPS daemon README this file upsd.8 manual page upsd.c source RCS/ remove this! It is not needed upsd.slovak* slovaks! tailored message script rc.local.add slovaks! add this to your /etc/rc.local file 2) PREREQUISITES ---------------- Upsd relies on the UPS having a port which contains two pins that have 0 resistance between then *only* when mains power has failed. If your UPS is not like this then you will some job making this work. If your UPS does have two such pins, then you will need to construct a cable for connecting the UPS to the computer where upsd will run. This cable should connect the two pins on the UPS side to DCD and RTS on the computer side. If your computer has a 9 pin serial port, then DCD and RTS are pins 1 and 4. If your computer has a 25 pin serial port, then DCD and RTS are pins 8 and 20. Beware that your UPS port may have a diode which means that you must connect the two pins through the right way round - Sorry I don't know what that is but there are only two possibilties :-) 3) INSTALLATION --------------- Review lines 67-69 of upsd.c and check that the pathnames match those on your system. If the necessary destination directories exist then 'make install' should do the right thing, but you are advised to look at Makefile and check this is what you want. It is a very small makefile. If the standard messages are not satisfactory, which if you're not english then they probably aren't, then you will want to construct external scripts that say what you want. You can do two scripts and use the -pc and -pw options to specify your scripts. Alternatively you can make one script and interrogate the environment variables UPSD_STATE and UPSD_INTERVAL in order to ascertain what should be done. And example script which displays messages in the Slovak language is included. You should amend your system startup scripts /etc/rc or /etc/rc.local to start up the daemon. The file rc.local.add details how this is done on our system. 4) BUGS ------- Bugs and required future enhancements are detailed in the manual page. If you find any more bugs or would like extra features ... then please, please, please feed any changes back to the author. I do not want to see fifty versions of this program all floating around internet without central coordination! 5) CONTACT ADDRESS ------------------ alexis@@uvt.tuzvo.sk @