------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title: README.1ST for 'torc' release ADE_APP_TOKEN_RELEASE_ID Version: $HeadURL$ $LastChangedRevision$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description ----------- This is release ADE_APP_TOKEN_RELEASE_ID of torc. Torc is the 'T-Online ReConnector' daemon. It was originally written as a workaround for Debian bugs #127841 and #144146 (pppd sometimes ignores 'persistent' with T-Online ISP), which may or may not be fixed by now. However, it also tries to ensure that the disconnect/reconnect times forced by the T-Online telecom provider (not ISP) fall within a specified time-window. This is useful if you have a dynamic IP address and you want to ensure that the change from old IP address to new IP address happens when the rate at which local web pages are accessed is lowest. Copyright Policy ---------------- This package is Copyright (C) 2003-ADE_APP_TOKEN_RELEASE_YEAR ADE_APP_TOKEN_AUTHOR_NAME. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License, a copy of which can be found in the file ./doc/COPYING. Installation and Configuration ------------------------------ For installation and configuration instructions see ./doc/INSTALL. Bug reports, feature requests, etc. ----------------------------------- Email ADE_APP_TOKEN_AUTHOR_NAME .