------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title: README.1ST for 'lspipe' release SPPSYM_RELEASE_ID Version: $HeadURL$ $LastChangedRevision$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description ----------- This is release SPPSYM_RELEASE_ID of lspipe. Lspipe is like ls, except that it takes its file list from standard input instead of on the command line. So why not use "ls `command to generate list of files`" ? Because if the list is very long then the shell will bawk. Try "ls `find /`" to see it happen! So why not use "command to generate list of files | xargs ls" ? Because xargs delivers the list in batches, which means that using options to the ls command to sort the results will only work intra-batch and not across the whole list. Try "find / | xargs ls -rt" to see 'saw-tooth' modification dates. Copyright Policy ---------------- This package is Copyright (C) 1998-SPPSYM_RELEASE_YEAR SPPSYM_AUTHOR_NAME. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License, a copy of which can be found in the file ./doc/COPYING. Installation and Configuration ------------------------------ For installation and configuration instructions see ./doc/INSTALL. Bug reports, feature requests, etc. ----------------------------------- Email SPPSYM_AUTHOR_NAME .