head 1.26; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.26 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.25; 1.25 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.24; 1.24 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.23; 1.23 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.22; 1.22 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.21; 1.21 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.20; 1.20 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.19; 1.19 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.18; 1.18 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.17; 1.17 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.16; 1.16 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.15; 1.15 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.14; 1.14 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.13; 1.13 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.12; 1.12 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.11; 1.11 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.10; 1.10 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.9; 1.9 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.8; 1.8 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.7; 1.7 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @restructured for recursive makes @ 1.26 log @symbol name changes @ text @# $Header: Makefile,v 1.25 1998/10/21 14:55:53 alexis Exp alexis $ SUPPORT_DIR = ../support include ../Makefile.defs COMPONENTS = isps mail misc modems news ppp compile: for DIR in $(COMPONENTS); do \ ( cd $$DIR && $(MAKE) $@@ ) || exit 1; \ done clean: for DIR in $(COMPONENTS); do \ ( cd $$DIR && $(MAKE) $@@ ) || exit 1; \ done install: compile $(INSTALL_CMD) -o root -g root -m 555 -d \ $(PRGLIBDIR) for DIR in $(COMPONENTS); do \ ( cd $$DIR && $(MAKE) $@@ ) || exit 1; \ done uninstall: for DIR in $(COMPONENTS); do \ ( cd $$DIR && $(MAKE) $@@ ) || exit 1; \ done -rmdir $(PRGLIBDIR) @ 1.25 log @added ppp subdirectory - now /etc/ppp need only be symlinked to it @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.24 1998/08/28 13:06:41 alexis Exp alexis $ d19 1 a19 1 $(INSTALL) -o root -g root -m 555 -d \ @ 1.24 log @milepost @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.11 1998/03/01 14:23:52 alexis Exp alexis $ d6 1 a6 1 COMPONENTS = isps mail misc modems news @ 1.23 log @milepost - seems to work @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.22 1998/03/01 22:28:26 alexis Exp alexis $ d3 1 d6 1 a6 8 EXEC_FILES = getmail-sendmail getmail-fetchmail \ sndmail-sendmail \ getnews-slurp sndnews-nntpxmit \ getnews-suck sndnews-suck \ announce qtest ip-up ip-down \ usecnt qtest mail-sendmail \ mail-sendmail+fetchmail \ news-suck d8 4 a11 3 DATA_FILES = courier.cfg demon.cfg options demon-noidle.cfg compile: $(EXEC_FILES) $(DATA_FILES) d14 3 a16 7 rm -f sndnews-nntpxmit getnews-slurp \ ip-up ip-down \ sndmail-sendmail getmail-sendmail \ sndnews-suck getnews-suck \ getmail-fetchmail mail-sendmail \ mail-sendmail+fetchmail news-suck \ announce qtest usecnt d21 8 a28 8 $(INSTALL) -o root -g root -m 555 \ $(EXEC_FILES) $(PRGLIBDIR) $(INSTALL) -o root -g root -m 444 \ $(DATA_FILES) $(PRGLIBDIR) uninstall: -cd $(PRGLIBDIR) && rm -f $(EXEC_FILES) \ $(DATA_FILES) a30 103 sndnews-nntpxmit: sndnews-nntpxmit.in sed -e "s%NEWSBINDIR_MARKER%$(NEWSBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ -e "s%XMITNEWSCMD_MARKER%$(XMITNEWSCMD)%g" \ -e "s£TOGOTEMPLATE_MARKER£$(TOGOTEMPLATE)£g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ sndnews-suck: sndnews-suck.in sed -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ getnews-suck: getnews-suck.in sed -e "s%NEWSBINDIR_MARKER%$(NEWSBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ -e "s%LOCKDIR_MARKER%$(LOCKDIR)%g" \ -e "s%SUCKGETNEWSCMD_MARKER%$(SUCKGETNEWSCMD)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ news-suck: news-suck.in sed -e "s%NEWSBINDIR_MARKER%$(NEWSBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ -e "s%LOCKDIR_MARKER%$(LOCKDIR)%g" \ -e "s%SUCKGETNEWSCMD_MARKER%$(SUCKGETNEWSCMD)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ getnews-slurp: getnews-slurp.in sed -e "s%NEWSBINDIR_MARKER%$(NEWSBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%LOCKDIR_MARKER%$(LOCKDIR)%g" \ -e "s%SLURPCMD_MARKER%$(SLURPCMD)%g" \ -e "s%SLURPCFGDIR_MARKER%$(SLURPCFGDIR)%g" \ -e "s%NNMASTERCMD_MARKER%$(NNMASTERCMD)%g" \ -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ ip-down: ip-down.in sed -e "s%LCLSBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLSBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ ip-up: ip-up.in sed -e "s%LCLSBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLSBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ mail-sendmail+fetchmail: mail-sendmail+fetchmail.in sed -e "s%SENDMAILCMD_MARKER%$(SENDMAILCMD)%g" \ -e "s%FETCHMAILCMD_MARKER%$(FETCHMAILCMD)%g" \ -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ -e "s%LOCKDIR_MARKER%$(LOCKDIR)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ mail-sendmail: mail-sendmail.in sed -e "s%SENDMAILCMD_MARKER%$(SENDMAILCMD)%g" \ -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ -e "s%LOCKDIR_MARKER%$(LOCKDIR)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ sndmail-sendmail: sndmail-sendmail.in sed -e "s%SENDMAILCMD_MARKER%$(SENDMAILCMD)%g" \ -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ getmail-sendmail: getmail-sendmail.in sed -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ getmail-fetchmail: getmail-fetchmail.in sed -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ -e "s%LOCKDIR_MARKER%$(LOCKDIR)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ usecnt: usecnt.in sed -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ -e "s%LCLSBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLSBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%LCLSBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLSBINDIR)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ qtest: qtest.in sed -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ -e "s%LCLSBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLSBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%LCLSBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLSBINDIR)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ announce: announce.in sed -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ -e "s%LCLSBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLSBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%LCLSBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLSBINDIR)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ @ 1.22 log @loads of small fixes @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.21 1998/02/28 14:46:30 alexis Exp alexis $ d5 2 a6 1 EXEC_FILES = getmail-sendmail sndmail-sendmail \ d9 4 a12 1 announce qtest ip-up ip-down d14 1 a14 1 DATA_FILES = courier.cfg demon.cfg options d22 4 a25 1 sndnews-suck getnews-suck d61 8 d91 15 d114 27 @ 1.21 log @added support for suck scripts @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.20 1997/11/11 12:13:36 alexis Exp alexis $ d5 1 a5 1 EXEC_FILES = getmail sndmail \ d15 4 a18 3 rm -f sndnews-nntpxmit getnews-slurp ip-up \ ip-down sndmail getmail sndnews-suck \ getnews-suck d22 1 a22 1 $(PPPLCLIBDIR) d24 1 a24 1 $(EXEC_FILES) $(PPPLCLIBDIR) d26 1 a26 1 $(DATA_FILES) $(PPPLCLIBDIR) d29 3 a31 1 rm -fr $(PPPLCLIBDIR) d56 5 a60 5 -e "s%SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER%$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD)%g" \ -e "s%LOCKDIR_MARKER%$(LOCKDIR)%g" \ -e "s%SLURPCMD_MARKER%$(SLURPCMD)%g" \ -e "s%SLURPCFGDIR_MARKER%$(SLURPCFGDIR)%g" \ -e "s%NNMASTERCMD_MARKER%$(NNMASTERCMD)%g" \ d65 1 a65 1 sed -e "s%LCLBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLBINDIR)%g" \ d71 1 a71 1 sed -e "s%LCLBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLBINDIR)%g" \ d76 1 a76 1 sndmail: sndmail.in d82 1 a82 1 getmail: getmail.in @ 1.20 log @sndmail and getmail now both need 'compiling' due to various Make-time symbols they now use (locations of slurp and xmitnews...) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.19 1997/10/26 20:15:48 alexis Exp alexis $ d5 5 a9 2 EXEC_FILES = getmail getnews sndmail sndnews announce qtest \ ip-up ip-down d15 3 a17 1 rm -f sndnews getnews ip-up ip-down sndmail getmail d30 1 a30 1 sndnews: sndnews.in d38 14 a51 1 getnews: getnews.in @ 1.19 log @more directory reorg fixes @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.18 1997/10/26 17:47:53 alexis Exp alexis $ d12 1 a12 1 rm -f sndnews getnews ip-up ip-down d16 1 a16 1 $(LCLLIBDIR)/ppplc d18 1 a18 1 $(EXEC_FILES) $(LCLLIBDIR)/ppplc d20 1 a20 1 $(DATA_FILES) $(LCLLIBDIR)/ppplc d23 1 a23 1 rm -fr $(LCLLIBDIR)/ppplc d27 3 d35 5 d45 1 d51 12 @ 1.18 log @directory reorganisation @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.17 1997/10/26 14:33:53 alexis Exp alexis $ d3 1 a3 1 include ../Makefile.defs d5 3 a7 2 EXEC_FILES = getmail getnews sndmail sndnews announce qtest DATA_FILES = courier.cfg demon.cfg d9 1 a9 1 compile: $(EXEC_FILES) $(DATA_FILES) d12 1 a12 1 rm -f sndnews getnews d14 7 a20 6 install: compile $(INSTALL) -o root -g root -m 555 -d $(LCLLIBDIR)/ppplc $(INSTALL) -o root -g root -m 555 $(EXEC_FILES) \ $(LCLLIBDIR)/ppplc $(INSTALL) -o root -g root -m 444 $(DATA_FILES) \ $(LCLLIBDIR)/ppplc d23 1 a23 1 rm -fr $(LCLLIBDIR)/ppplc d25 19 a43 9 sndnews: sndnews.in sed -e "s%NEWSBINDIR_MARKER%$(NEWSBINDIR)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ getnews: getnews.in sed -e "s%NEWSBINDIR_MARKER%$(NEWSBINDIR)%g" \ < $^ > $@@ chmod u+x $@@ @ 1.17 log @added support for user-definable '/etc' directory @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.16 1997/10/26 12:12:36 alexis Exp alexis $ d5 2 a6 3 LIB_FILES = announce qtest SBIN_FILES = ppplcc XBIN_FILES = xppplcc d8 1 a8 1 compile: $(LIB_FILES) $(SBIN_FILES) $(XBIN_FILES) d11 1 a11 1 rm -f ppplcc xppplcc d14 4 a17 2 $(INSTALL) -o root -g root -m 755 -d $(LCLLIBDIR)/ppplc $(INSTALL) -o root -g root -m 555 $(LIB_FILES) \ a18 4 $(INSTALL) -o root -g root -m 555 $(SBIN_FILES) \ $(LCLSBINDIR) $(INSTALL) -o root -g root -m 555 $(XBIN_FILES) \ $(LCLXBINDIR) d21 4 a24 10 -cd $(LCLLIBDIR)/ppplc && rm -f $(LIB_FILES) cd $(LCLSBINDIR) && rm -f $(SBIN_FILES) cd $(LCLXBINDIR) && rm -f $(XBIN_FILES) ppplcc: ppplcc.in sed -e "s%LCLSBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLSBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%LCLLIBDIR_MARKER%$(LCLLIBDIR)%g" \ -e "s%SYSPPPDIR_MARKER%$(SYSPPPDIR)%g" \ -e "s%LCLXBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLXBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%LCLETCDIR_MARKER%$(LCLETCDIR)%g" \ d28 2 a29 6 xppplcc: xppplcc.in sed -e "s%LCLSBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLSBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%LCLLIBDIR_MARKER%$(LCLLIBDIR)%g" \ -e "s%SYSPPPDIR_MARKER%$(SYSPPPDIR)%g" \ -e "s%LCLXBINDIR_MARKER%$(LCLXBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%LCLETCDIR_MARKER%$(LCLETCDIR)%g" \ @ 1.16 log @stamped for release 1.0.6 @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.15 1997/10/26 12:02:16 alexis Exp alexis $ d31 1 a31 1 -e "s%PPPETCDIR_MARKER%$(PPPETCDIR)%g" \ d40 1 a40 1 -e "s%PPPETCDIR_MARKER%$(PPPETCDIR)%g" \ @ 1.15 log @removed a reminder to myself added '-d' to an install of directories @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.14 1997/10/26 10:44:08 alexis Exp alexis $ @ 1.14 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.13 1997/10/26 10:02:46 alexis Exp alexis $ d15 1 a15 1 $(INSTALL) -o root -g root -m 755 $(LCLLIBDIR)/ppplc a24 1 if $(LCLLIBDIR) empty then remove @ 1.13 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.12 1997/10/22 23:00:48 alexis Exp alexis $ d31 1 a31 1 -e "s%LCLLIBDIR_MARKER%$(LCLLIBDIR)/ppplc%g" \ d34 1 a34 1 -e "s%LCLETCDIR_MARKER%$(LCLETCDIR)/ppplc%g" \ @ 1.12 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.11 1997/10/22 21:45:13 alexis Exp alexis $ d15 7 a21 6 install -o root -g root -m 555 $(LIB_FILES) \ $(BASELIBDIR)/ppplc install -o root -g root -m 555 $(SBIN_FILES) \ $(BASESBINDIR) install -o root -g root -m 555 $(XBIN_FILES) \ $(BASEXBINDIR) d24 4 a27 3 -cd $(BASELIBDIR)/ppplc && rm -f $(LIB_FILES) -cd $(BASESBINDIR) && rm -f $(SBIN_FILES) -cd $(BASEXBINDIR) && rm -f $(XBIN_FILES) d30 5 a34 5 sed -e "s%SBINDIR_MARKER%$(BASESBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%MY_LIBDIR_MARKER%$(BASELIBDIR)/ppplc%g" \ -e "s%PPP_ETCDIR_MARKER%$(PPPETCDIR)%g" \ -e "s%XBINDIR_MARKER%$(BASEXBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%MY_ETCDIR_MARKER%$(BASEETCDIR)/ppplc%g" \ d39 5 a43 5 sed -e "s%SBINDIR_MARKER%$(BASESBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%MY_LIBDIR_MARKER%$(BASELIBDIR)/ppplc%g" \ -e "s%PPP_ETCDIR_MARKER%$(PPPETCDIR)%g" \ -e "s%XBINDIR_MARKER%$(BASEXBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%MY_ETCDIR_MARKER%$(BASEETCDIR)/ppplc%g" \ @ 1.11 log @.. @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.10 1997/10/22 21:44:12 alexis Exp alexis $ d31 1 d40 1 @ 1.10 log @added utility xppplcc @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.9 1997/10/22 18:06:17 alexis Exp alexis $ d12 1 a12 1 rm -f ppplcc @ 1.9 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.8 1997/10/22 17:57:28 alexis Exp alexis $ d7 1 d9 1 a9 1 compile: $(LIB_FILES) $(SBIN_FILES) d19 2 d25 1 d28 8 @ 1.8 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.7 1997/10/22 17:43:31 alexis Exp alexis $ d21 1 a21 1 -cd $(BASESBINDIR)/ppplc && rm -f $(SBIN_FILES) @ 1.7 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.6 1997/10/22 17:32:45 alexis Exp alexis $ d21 1 a21 1 -cd $(BASESBINDIR) /ppplc&& rm -f $(SBIN_FILES) @ 1.6 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.5 1997/10/22 16:38:34 alexis Exp alexis $ d14 1 a14 1 install -o root -g root -m 555 $(LIB_FILES) d16 1 a16 1 install -o root -g root -m 555 $(SBIN_FILES) @ 1.5 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.4 1997/10/22 16:21:37 alexis Exp alexis $ d14 4 a17 4 install -o root -g root -m 755 -d $(LIBDIR) install -o root -g root -m 555 $(LIB_FILES) $(LIBDIR) install -o root -g root -m 755 -d $(SBINDIR) install -o root -g root -m 555 $(SBIN_FILES) $(SBINDIR) d20 2 a21 2 -cd $(LIBDIR) && rm -f $(LIB_FILES) -cd $(SBINDIR) && rm -f $(SBIN_FILES) d24 2 a25 2 sed -e "s%SBINDIR_MARKER%$(SBINDIR)%g" \ -e "s%MY_LIBDIR_MARKER%$(LIBDIR)%g" \ d27 2 a28 1 -e "s%MY_ETCDIR_MARKER%$(ETCDIR)%g" < $^ > $@@ @ 1.4 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.3 1997/10/22 13:34:47 alexis Exp alexis $ d26 1 a26 1 -e "s%PPP_ETCDIR_MARKER%$(PPPEDTCDIR)%g" \ @ 1.3 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.2 1997/10/22 13:28:06 alexis Exp alexis $ d3 1 a3 2 LIB_FILES = announce qtest SBIN_FILES = ppplcc d5 4 a8 1 compile: $(LIB_FILES) $(SBIN_FILES) d11 1 d13 5 a17 7 install: compile install -o root -g root -m 755 -d $(LIBDIR) install -o root -g root -m 555 $(LIB_FILES) \ $(LIBDIR) install -o root -g root -m 755 -d $(SBINDIR) install -o root -g root -m 555 $(SBIN_FILES) \ $(SBINDIR) d20 9 a28 2 -cd $(LIBDIR) && rm -f $(LIB_FILES) -cd $(SBINDIR) && rm -f $(SBIN_FILES) @ 1.2 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 1997/10/22 12:13:48 alexis Exp alexis $ d19 2 a20 2 cd $(LIBDIR) && rm -f $(LIB_FILES) cd $(SBINDIR) && rm -f $(SBIN_FILES) @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.13 1997/10/20 17:17:00 alexis Exp alexis $ d3 2 a4 1 FILES = announce ppplcc qtest d6 1 a6 1 compile: $(FILES) d12 1 a12 1 install -o root -g root -m 555 $(FILES) \ d14 3 d19 2 a20 1 cd $(LIBDIR) && rm -f $(FILES) @