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PPPLC Software Page
PPPLC Software Page
The PPPLC package is
- a daemon process (ppplcd) in charge of generating site-specific chat
scripts, controlling and monitoring the pppd daemon, and executing a variety of
post-connect programs in a timely and orderly manner
- a client shell script (ppplcc) providing a menu driven interface to
the daemon
- a lightweight message dispatcher (sndmsg), which can be used in crontabs
or your own scripts
- a lightweight message receiver (getmsg), which currently is not used by any
of the programs included in the distrbution, but may be of use in your own scripts
or your own scripts
- very configurable but fast!
- supplied with drop in chat scripts for Demon ISP and Courier V34 modems
- if you write ISP or modem scripts then please let me know and I'll
include them in the next release
- dependent on System V IPC in your kernel
- tested on Linux 2.0.0-2.1.115
- only partially documented although following the error messages will
guide you through setting things up
This is the lastest version
(72 Kb).
Go to: Danae Homemade Unix Software page
Page maintainer: ppplc-support@@danae.demon.co.uk
RCS: $Header: /diskb/home/alexis/dev/supported/ppplc/html/RCS/index.html.shpp,v 1.1 1998/10/18 20:00:53 alexis Exp alexis $
@Initial revision
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PPPLC Software Page
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PPPLC Software Page
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The PPPLC package is
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- a daemon process (ppplcd) in charge of generating site-specific chat
d19 1
a19 1
post-connect programs in a timely and orderly manner
d21 2
a22 2
- a client shell script (ppplcc) providing a menu driven interface to
the daemon
d24 2
a25 2
- a lightweight message dispatcher (sndmsg), which can be used in crontabs
or your own scripts
d27 1
a27 1
- a lightweight message receiver (getmsg), which currently is not used by any
d31 1
a31 1
or your own scripts
d33 1
a33 1
- very configurable but fast!
d35 1
a35 1
- supplied with drop in chat scripts for Demon ISP and Courier V34 modems
d37 1
a37 1
include them in the next release
d39 1
a39 1
- dependent on System V IPC in your kernel
d41 1
a41 1
- tested on Linux 2.0.0-2.1.115
d43 3
a45 3
- only partially documented although following the error messages will
guide you through setting things up
d47 3
a49 2
This is the lastest version ppplc-PATCHLEVEL_MARKER.tar.gz
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d53 3
a55 3
Go to: Danae Homemade Unix Software page
Page maintainer: alexis@@danae.demon.co.uk
RCS: $Header$
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