head 1.14; access; symbols; locks alexis:1.14; strict; comment @# @; 1.14 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.13; 1.13 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.12; 1.12 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.11; 1.11 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.10; 1.10 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.9; 1.9 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.8; 1.8 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.7; 1.7 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @config file example @ 1.14 log @removed refs to PPPLC.*MARKER @ text @# $Id: ppplc.cfg.in,v 1.13 1997/11/12 13:48:35 alexis Exp alexis $ ############################################################################### # # READ THIS FILE CAREFULLY! YOU MUST CONFIGURE IT FOR YOUR OWN SITE! # # It is divided into sections, which contain general descriptions and # then specific explanations of each entry. Work through this file slowly # and change what's needed. # # Some config commands, may be omitted - they will default to sensible # values, other's *must* be supplied. This is explained in more detail # below. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # INTERNET ACCESS CONTROL # ############################################################################### # # ppplcd will create a message queue to allow the internet link to be # controlled. Access to this message queue is controlled in the same way # that access is controlled to a file - namely by assigning an owner, a # group and a permission mode to it. People who can write to the queue can # bring the connection up and down. # ############################################################################### # Who should own the IPC message queue? 'root' is the default. You probably # don't want anything else. ### ipc_owner: root # What group should own the IPC message queue? 'root' is the default, # which effectively means that internet access requires superuser access. # However, you may wish to create a new group - or make use of an existing # one which defines a list of 'trusted' users. Such a group on Debian is # called 'dialout'. ### ipc_group: dialout # What permissions on the IPC message queue? 0600 is the default, which # effectively ignores any setting of ipc_group above. Use 0660 to allow # ipc_group to have effect, and use 0666 to allow *any local user* to control # the link. ### ipc_perms: 0660 ############################################################################### # # STANDARD EXTERNAL COMMAND PATHS # ############################################################################### # # The location of several standard commands needs to be known be ppplcd, so # this is where they get specified. # ############################################################################### # What is the full pathname of the 'pppd' command? There is no default for # this, so you must supply it. pppd: /usr/sbin/pppd # What is the full pathname of the 'chat' command? There is no default for # this, so you must supply it. chat: /usr/sbin/chat ############################################################################### # # PPPLC COMPONENT COMMAND PATHS # ############################################################################### # # ppplcd will invoke commands to transfer news and mail in both directions, # to announce changes in the link status, and to test the quality of the # link. These scripts get invoked with certain parameters. You may write # your own scripts to perform these operations - indeed you may *have* to # but some are included in the ppplc distribution and you may wish or may be # able to use them. They are explained in detail below. # ############################################################################### # Whats the full pathname of the command to send mail? There is no default for # this, so you must supply it. When it is invoked it is not passed any # parameters. # # The distribution includes the program 'sndmail' which just invokes # 'sendmail' to flush it's outbound message queues. But of course you're # quite free to put the name of your own script here to dispatch mail # in other ways. If you don't want to dispatch mail at all, you must # *still* supply a command, but /bin/true would be sufficient. sndmail: PRGLIBDIR_MARKER/sndmail-sendmail # Whats the full pathname of the command to retrieve mail? There is no # default for this, so you must supply it. When it is invoked it is not # passed any parameters. # # The distribution includes the program 'getmail' which just does nothing # at all - which is fine for SMTP environment in which the remote side # dispatches mail to you - i.e. *you* don't have to explicit retrieve # it. But of course you're quite free to put the name of your own script # here to retrieve mail in other ways.If you don't want to retrieve mail at # all, you must *still* supply a command, but /bin/true would be sufficient. getmail: PRGLIBDIR_MARKER/getmail-sendmail # Whats the full pathname of the command to dispatch news? There is no # default for this, so you must supply it. When it is invoked it is not # passed any parameters, but, if you yourself, supply the parameter '%N' # then it will be replaced with the name of the remote news server as # specified elsewhere in this file. # # The distribution includes a couple of 'sndnews' programs which are for # Cnews/Xmitnews or Suck combinations. Note the nntpxmit scripts # *requires* one parameter - the name of the remote news host. But of course # you're quite free to put the name of your own script here to dispatch news # in other ways. If you don't want to dispatch news at all, you must *still* # supply a command, but /bin/true would be sufficient. #sndnews: PRGLIBDIR_MARKER/sndnews-nntpxmit %N sndnews: PRGLIBDIR_MARKER/sndnews-suck # Whats the full pathname of the command to retrieve news? There is no # default for this, so you must supply it. When it is invoked it is not # passed any parameters, but, if you yourself, supply the parameter '%N' # then it will be replaced with the name of the remote news server as # specified elsewhere in this file. # # The distribution includes a couple of 'getnews' programs which are # for Cnews/Slurp or Suck combinations. Note the slurp script *requires* # one parameter - the name of the remote news host. But of course you're # quite free to put the name of your own script here to retrieve news # in other ways. If you don't want to retrieve news at all, you must # *still* supply a command, but /bin/true would be sufficient. #getnews: PRGLIBDIR_MARKER/getnews-slurp %N getnews: PRGLIBDIR_MARKER/getnews-suck # Whats the full pathname of the command to check link quality? There is no # default for this, so you must supply it. When it is invoked it is not # passed any parameters, but, you yourself may use some if you wish. # # The distribution includes the program 'qtest' which uses 'ping' to test # the link quality. This script *requires* one parameter - the name of # a nearby host to ping. 'qtest' accepts options '-c' to specify a packet # count, and '-q' to specify a minimum acceptable quality (expressed as # percentage). If these options are not used then defaults of 5 and 80 apply # respectively. But of course you're quite free to put the name of your own # script here to test link quality in other ways. If you don't want to # test link quality at all, you must *still* supply a command, but /bin/true # would be sufficient. qtest: PRGLIBDIR_MARKER/qtest -c 10 -q 90 # Whats the full pathname of the command to announce link status changes? # There is no default for this, so you must supply it. When it is invoked it # is passed one single parameter; a number in the range 0 to 6, indicating: # # 0: connection has come up # 1: link down due to locally detected bad quality - will reconnect # automatically in a moment # 2: link down due to locally detected bad quality - no reconnection # 3: the remote end has hung up for some reason (maybe it detected # bad quality or idle timeout before we did) - will reconnect # automatically in a moment # 4: the remote end has hung up for some reason (maybe it detected # bad quality or idle timeout before we did) - no reconnection # 5: link down due to locally detect idle timeout - will reconnect # in a moment # 6: link down due to locally detect idle timeout - no reconnection # # The distribution includes the program 'announce' which uses 'wall' to # announce link status changes. This script *requires* one parameter - a # single number in the range 0 to 6. The message wall'ed corresponds to # the explanations of the passed parameter values above. But of course you're # quite free to put the name of your own script here to announce link status # changes in other ways. If you don't want to announce link status changes # at all, you must *still* supply a command, but /bin/true would be # sufficient. announce: PRGLIBDIR_MARKER/announce ############################################################################### # # PPPD PARAMETERS # ############################################################################### # # These values are just passwd to pppd. These include such basic things # as the baud rate, port, netmask, mtu, mru. You can refer to the pppd(8) # manual page for an explanation of these, but brief descriptions are given # below. # ############################################################################### # What serial port do you want to use? There is no default. If you're using # an old version of Slackware then you should be using the 'cua' devices, # if not, well, the 'cua' devices don't exist anymore, so you should be # using the 'ttyS' devices. port: /dev/ttyS0 # What baud rate does that go at? There is no default so you must specify # this. The maximum is 38400, if you want higher than that then you will need # to call the setserial program in at boot time - probably from # /etc/rc.d/rc.serial. Note that *this* program does *NOT* call 'setserial' # at all, so any supercharged buad rates will be left intact. speed: 38400 # What netmask does the connection use? If in doubt leave this alone. But # note that there is no default, so you must supply one. netmask: # What MTU to use? Not know what an MTU is? Then leave it alone; there is a # default of 576 if the MTU is not explicitly specified. #mtu: 576 # What MRU to use? Not know what an MRU is? Then leave it alone; there is a # default of 576 if the MRU is not explicitly specified. #mru: 576 # See pppd(8) for the meaning of these two. Leave them commented out unless # you know what you're doing. ### pppd-debug: 1 ### pppd-kdebug: 7 ############################################################################### # # PPP AUTHENTICATION INFORMATION # ############################################################################### # # This is the phone number, login and password needed by your machine (not # you personally) to connect to the Internet. All these parameters are # required and have no defaults. # ############################################################################### # What's the ppp connection login? login: STICK_YOUR_CONNECTION_LOGIN_HERE # What's the ppp connection password? password: STICK_YOU_CONNECTION_PASSWORD_HERE # What's the ppp connection telephone number? telno: STICK_YOUR_ISP'S_PHONE_NUMBER_HERE ############################################################################## # # MODEM SPECIFICATION # ############################################################################## # # This program constructs a chat script on your behalf which it uses to # talk to your modem. Basically this is a dial script with the phone # number missing - or rather replaced by the special token '%T', which at run # time is replaced by the telephone number specified above. You will need # to write one of these if the ppplc distribution does not include one for # your particular modem. It should lift the initialise the modem and dial # not a specific number - but just '%T'. It should *NOT* login the PPP login # server. Check the PRGLIBDIR_MARKER directory to see if you see a config # file for you particular type of modem exists already. # ############################################################################## # Which file contains the chat lines for your modem? include: PRGLIBDIR_MARKER/courier.cfg ############################################################################## # # INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDE SPECIFICATION # ############################################################################## # # This program constructs a chat script on your behalf which it uses to # talk to your ISP. Basically this is a login script with the login and # password missing - or rather replaced by the special tokens '%L' and '%P'. # which at run time are replaced by the login and password specified above. # You will need to write one of these if the ppplc distribution does not # include one for your particular ISP. It should merely log you in to the # PPP server at the other end. It should not dial the phone - that will # already have been done - it should just log you in, issue any commands # to start the remote PPP server, possibly wait for the remote end to # inform you that it has done that and that's all! It should *NOT* explicitly # specify a login or password but just use the tokens '%L' and '%P' at the # appropriate moment. There is one other token that may be used which is # '%I' which at run time will be replaced by the idle time out. # Check the PRGLIBDIR_MARKER directory to see if you see a config # file for you particular ISP exists already. # ############################################################################## # Which file contains the chat lines for your ISP? include: PRGLIBDIR_MARKER/demon.cfg ############################################################################## # # MISCELLANEOUS SETTINGS # ############################################################################## # # This section details config parameters that don't really fit elsewhere. # ############################################################################## # What's the name of the remote news server? This is required - there is # no default. But note that depending on the 'sndnews' and 'getnews' programs # selected above it may not actually be used! But it is *REQUIRED*. newshost: STICK_THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_REMOTE_NEWS_SERVER_HERE # Idle timeout period in seconds. This is required - though you can set it # to 0 to not use idle timeouts. A couple of points to note - probably only # understandable in the event that you find your modem not hanging up when # it should be. # # This value is used to configure the local idle-timeout detector, *BUT* # it is also used to set the '%I' token (see ISP SPECIFICATION above). # # If your ISP uses LCP echo requests to monitor the line quality then # this will have no effect, but in that case you should ensure that # your ISP uses idle timeouts, and that you accordingly make use of # any idle timeout mechanism provided by your ISP. idle: 180 ################################# END ######################################## @ 1.13 log @missing '#' fixed. @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: ppplc.cfg.in,v 1.12 1997/11/11 14:06:51 alexis Exp alexis $ d91 1 a91 1 sndmail: PPPLCLIBDIR_MARKER/sndmail d103 1 a103 1 getmail: PPPLCLIBDIR_MARKER/getmail d111 8 a118 7 # The distribution includes the program 'sndnews' which is is for a # Cnews/Xmitnews combination; this script *requires* one parameter - # the name of the remote news host. But of course you're quite free to put # the name of your own script here to dispatch news in other ways. # If you don't want to dispatch news at all, you must *still* supply a # command, but /bin/true would be sufficient. sndnews: PPPLCLIBDIR_MARKER/sndnews %N d126 8 a133 7 # The distribution includes the program 'getnews' which is is for a # Cnews/Slurp combination; this script *requires* one parameter - # the name of the remote news host. But of course you're quite free to put # the name of your own script here to retrieve news in other ways. # If you don't want to retrieve news at all, you must *still* supply a # command, but /bin/true would be sufficient. getnews: PPPLCLIBDIR_MARKER/getnews %N d148 1 a148 1 qtest: PPPLCLIBDIR_MARKER/qtest -c 10 -q 90 d175 1 a175 1 announce: PPPLCLIBDIR_MARKER/announce d209 1 a209 1 mtu: 576 d213 1 a213 1 mru: 576 d254 1 a254 1 # server. Check the PPPLCLIBDIR_MARKER directory to see if you see a config d260 1 a260 1 include: PPPLCLIBDIR_MARKER/courier.cfg d281 1 a281 1 # Check the PPPLCLIBDIR_MARKER directory to see if you see a config d287 1 a287 1 include: PPPLCLIBDIR_MARKER/demon.cfg d300 2 a301 1 # no default. d315 1 a315 1 # this config command accordingly. @ 1.12 log @Heavily commented! @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: ppplc.cfg.in,v 1.11 1997/11/11 12:12:17 alexis Exp alexis $ d202 1 a202 1 note that there is no default, so you must supply one. d205 7 a211 7 # What MTU to use? Not know what an MTU is? Then leave it commented out; # there is a default and it's 576. ### mtu: 576 # What MRU to use? Not know what an MRU is? Then leave it commented out; # there is a default and it's 576. ### mru: 576 @ 1.11 log @making use of PPPLCLIBDIR_MARKER instead of LCLLIBDIR_MARKER/ppplc sndnews and getnews now both expect name of news host as parameter qtest expects remote host name and supports options for packet count and min quality removed config command to specify remote hosyt and minquality added mru and mtu - but commented out - defaults are sensible @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: ppplc.cfg.in,v 1.10 1997/10/26 20:15:33 alexis Exp alexis $ d3 55 a57 4 # Owner, group and perms for access to the ppplcd message queue ipc_owner: root ipc_group: dialout ipc_perms: 0660 d59 2 a60 1 # What is the full pathname of the 'pppd' command? d63 2 a64 1 # What is the full pathname of the 'chat' command? d67 24 a90 1 # Whats the full pathname of the command to send mail? d93 10 a102 1 # Whats the full pathname of the command to get mail? d105 12 a116 4 # What's the name of the news host? newshost: STICK_THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_REMOTE_NEWS_SERVER_HERE # Whats the full pathname of the command to send news? d119 12 a130 1 # Whats the full pathname of the command to get news? d133 13 a145 2 # Whats the full pathname of the command to test quality of link? This # program will be passed two parameters: minimum link quality, ip address d148 25 a172 6 # Idle timeout period in seconds. If your ISP uses LCP echo requests to # monitor the line quality then this will have no effect idle: 300 # Where is the announce program? Hopefully you put it where it's meant # to be d175 17 a191 1 # What serial port do you want to use? d194 5 a198 3 # What baud rate does that go at? The maximum is 38400, if you want higher # than that then you will need to call the setserial program in at boot # time - probably from /etc/rc.d/rc.serial. d201 13 a213 1 # See pppd(1) for the meaning of these two. Leave them commented out unless d215 14 a228 2 # pppd-debug: 1 # pppd-kdebug: 7 d239 17 a255 8 # What netmask does the connection use? If in doubt leave this alone. netmask: # What MTU to use? Not know what an MTU is? Then leave it commented out. #mtu: 1500 # What MRU to use? Not know what an MRU is? Then leave it commented out. #mru: 1500 d260 24 d286 30 @ 1.10 log @more directory reorg fixes @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: ppplc.cfg.in,v 1.9 1997/10/26 18:56:04 alexis Exp alexis $ d15 1 a15 1 sndmail: LCLLIBDIR_MARKER/ppplc/sndmail d18 4 a21 1 getmail: LCLLIBDIR_MARKER/ppplc/getmail d24 1 a24 1 sndnews: LCLLIBDIR_MARKER/ppplc/sndnews d27 1 a27 1 getnews: LCLLIBDIR_MARKER/ppplc/getnews d31 1 a31 1 qtest: LCLLIBDIR_MARKER/ppplc/qtest -q a36 7 # Acceptable line quality as a percentage. 100% is a bit silly, since # packets do get dropped. But then 0% would make this pointless. Pick # the level that represents the worst possible quality that you would # accept at any instant over the typical duration of your connections # and then lower it by 40%! :-) quality: 10 d39 1 a39 1 announce: LCLLIBDIR_MARKER/ppplc/announce a48 4 # The IP address of a host to be used to measure connection quality. Pick # something local, whose IP is not liable to change. qualitycheck_remhost: d66 6 d73 1 a73 1 include: LCLLIBDIR_MARKER/ppplc/courier.cfg d76 1 a76 1 include: LCLLIBDIR_MARKER/ppplc/demon.cfg @ 1.9 log @continued directory reorganisation @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: master.cfg.in,v 1.8 1997/10/26 17:47:41 alexis Exp $ d75 1 a75 1 include: LCLLIBDIR_MARKER/ppplc/modems/courier.cfg d78 1 a78 1 include: LCLLIBDIR_MARKER/ppplc/isps/demon.cfg @ 1.8 log @directory reorganisation @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: master.cfg.in,v 1.7 1997/10/26 12:12:32 alexis Exp alexis $ d38 1 a38 1 # and then lower it my 40%! :-) @ 1.7 log @stamped for release 1.0.6 @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: master.cfg.in,v 1.6 1997/10/26 10:13:04 alexis Exp alexis $ d75 1 a75 1 include: LCLETCDIR_MARKER/ppplc/modems/courier.cfg d78 1 a78 1 include: LCLETCDIR_MARKER/ppplc/isps/demon.cfg @ 1.6 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: master.cfg,v 1.5 1997/10/22 22:24:08 alexis Exp alexis $ @ 1.5 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: master.cfg,v 1.4 1997/10/20 18:08:53 alexis Exp alexis $ d15 1 a15 1 sndmail: /usr/local/lib/ppplc/sndmail d18 1 a18 1 getmail: /usr/local/lib/ppplc/getmail d21 1 a21 1 sndnews: /usr/local/lib/ppplc/sndnews d24 1 a24 1 getnews: /usr/local/lib/ppplc/getnews d28 1 a28 1 qtest: /usr/local/lib/ppplc/qtest -q d43 1 a43 1 announce: /usr/local/lib/ppplc/announce d75 1 a75 1 include: /usr/local/etc/ppplc/modems/courier.cfg d78 1 a78 1 include: /usr/local/etc/ppplc/isps/demon.cfg @ 1.4 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: master.cfg,v 1.3 1997/10/20 17:01:37 alexis Exp alexis $ a3 1 ipc_perms: 0770 d5 2 a6 1 ipc_group: root d46 1 a46 1 port: /dev/cua0 @ 1.3 log @added rcs id @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id$ d28 1 a28 1 qtest: /usr/local/lib/ppplc/qtest @ 1.2 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 2 @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d24 4 @