head 1.3; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.3 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @split INSTALL into INSTALL and README.1ST @ 1.3 log @symbol name changes @ text @------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title: README.1ST FILE FOR PPPLC RELEASE MARKER_PATCHLEVEL Version: $Header: README.1ST,v 1.2 1998/10/07 16:45:14 alexis Exp alexis $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description ----------- This is release MARKER_PATCHLEVEL of the PPPLC package - a set of tools for making connecting to the internet via PPP a little easier. It includes ppplcd: (ppp link control daemon) This daemon contructs chat scripts, calls pppd with the correct parameters, starts news and mail transfer and calls other miscellaneous scripts as per config files sndmsg: (lightweight IPC message dispatcher) This program simply puts instructional messages onto a IPC message queue which are then read off by ppplcd. These messages tell ppplcd to do various things, like hanging up the phone, connecting, etc. getmsg: (lightweight IPC message receiver) This program simply waits for a message on a IPC message queue. It reads the same queue as ppplcd, but each program only reads messages intented for itself. It is intended to complement sndmsg's role within wrapper scripts. ppplcc: (menu driven wrapper for sndmsg) This is a simple shell script that displays a menu of actions and then invokes sndmsg with the correct parameters which then instructs ppplcd to take the specified action. ip-up, ip-down: (replacement ip-up and ip-down programs) These are effectively copied to /etc/ppp. All they do is invoke 'sndmsg' to inform ppplcd that they have been called. other scripts (to perform news and mail transfers, check link quality, adjust name lookup services, etc) These scripts perform various small occassional jobs. See the example config file for more information on what these do and their interfaces. Copyright Policy ---------------- This package is (C) Alexis Huxley 1996-1998. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License, the conditions of which can be found in the file ./doc/COPYING. Installation ------------ For installation instructions see ./doc/INSTALL. Configuration ------------- For use and configuration instructions see the accompanying manual pages. Latest version -------------- The latest version is at http://www.danae.demon.co.uk/software/ppplc/. Bugs etc -------- Bugs, fixes, enhancements, suggestions for further development, etc should be sent to ppplc-support@@danae.demon.co.uk. Email to the author directly is unlikely to get through. @ 1.2 log @removed info on a lot of scripts that the user doesn't need to know about. @ text @d2 2 a3 2 Title: README.1ST FILE FOR PPPLC RELEASE PATCHLEVEL_MARKER Version: $Id: README.1ST,v 1.1 1998/03/01 14:27:19 alexis Exp alexis $ d8 1 a8 1 This is release PATCHLEVEL_MARKER of the PPPLC package - a set of tools for d51 3 a53 3 This package is (C) Alexis Huxley 1996-1998. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License, the conditions of which can be found in the file ./doc/COPYING. a62 6 Bugs etc -------- Bugs, suggestions for further development, etc should be sent to me at the address below. Also I would be very interested to hear from anyone who finds novel uses for these tools. d65 1 a65 1 The latest version is at http://www.danae.demon.co.uk/software/ppplc/index.html. d67 5 a71 3 Contact ------- Alexis Huxley @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d3 1 a3 1 Version: $Id: README.1ST,v 1.11 1998/02/12 12:28:54 alexis Exp $ d14 2 a15 1 correct parameters, starts news and mail transfer. d24 7 a36 36 qtest,announce: (link quality tester and connection status reporter) These are two scripts included as part of the distribution. You don't have to use them but it is likely you will want to. Further information on these will be found in the configuration file, which is explained later. sndnews-nntpxmit,getnews-slurp: (news transfer programs) It is very unlikely that these will suit you - they are written for transfer of news in a "C News" news database via NNTP. They rely on the existence of 'xmitnews' and 'slurp'. If you wish to make news transfer automatic using this system and you don't have 'slurp' and 'xmitnews' then you're going to have to write your own scripts to transfer news. You might be able to hack bits out of your existing /etc/ppp/ip-up in order to do this. sndnews-suck,getnews-suck: (news transfer programs) Written for 'suck'. Beware that getnews-suck calls get-news; which (in Debian/GNU Linux) is a wrapper for suck *AND* rpost, performing both getting and sending. (Therefore sndnews-suck actually does nothing.) sndmail-sendmail,getmail-sendmail: (news transfer programs) It is also unlikey that these will suit you - unless your ISP is Demon. 'sndmail-sendmail' simply invokes sendmail to flush the mail queue. 'getmail-sendmail' does absolutely nothing - which is fine for Demon, who *push* mail out without explicit request. They rely on *your* 'sendmail' being ready to receive. So if you use don't use sendmail or your ISP is not Demon or you send and retrieve your email via SMTP they you will have to write you own versions of these scripts. d41 7 @