head 1.1; access; symbols; locks alexis:1.1; strict; comment @ * @; 1.1 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @MILEPOST - MAY NOT WORK @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @#ifndef PPPLD_H #define PPPLD_H #ifdef MAIN static char *pppld_h_rcs_id = "$Id$"; #endif #include /* for time_t */ /* * Structure and type definitions */ struct delaymsgrec { time_t time; /* dequeue time */ int id; /* message id */ int en; /* enabled */ int *parp; /* parameter block pointer */ }; extern struct delaymsgrec delayq[]; /* for delayed messages and activation times */ extern int delayq_top; /* how many elements in that array? */ extern char pppd_cmd[]; extern char chat_cmd[]; extern char announce_cmd[]; extern char port[]; extern char netmask[]; extern int speed; extern char login[]; extern char password[]; extern char telno[]; extern char chatfile[]; extern int do_xfer_news_flag; extern char qualitycheck_remhost[]; extern int qualitycheck_interval; extern int qualitycheck_minquality; extern int idlecheck_interval; extern int idlecheck_timeout; extern int state_curr; /* are we connected right now? */ extern int state_cfgok; extern int state_want; /* do we want to be connected? */ extern int state_done; /* have we been connected? */ extern int state_inipup; /* are we running post connection sequence? */ extern int state_donenx; /* used to assess if ipup is finished */ extern int state_donemx; /* used to assess if ipup is finished */ extern int state_quit; #endif @