head 1.10; access; symbols new_system:1.6 old_system:1.6; locks alexis:1.10; strict; comment @ * @; 1.10 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.9; 1.9 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.8; 1.8 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.7; 1.7 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @MILEPOST - WORKS @ 1.10 log @added definition for string buffer sizes @ text @#ifndef PPPLD_CFG_H #define PPPLD_CFG_H #ifdef MAIN /*@@unused@@*/ static char *ppplcd_cfg_h_rcs_id = "$Header: /diskb/home/alexis/dev/supported/ppplc/bin/RCS/ppplcd_cfg.h,v 1.9 1999/01/07 13:11:40 alexis Exp alexis $"; #endif #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_COMMAND_UNIX_PPPD "command-unix-pppd" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_COMMAND_UNIX_CHAT "command-unix-chat" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_COMMAND_PPPLCD_ANNOUNCE "command-ppplcd-announce" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_COMMAND_PPPLCD_NSSWITCH "command-ppplcd-nsswitcher" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_PPPD_DEBUG "setting-pppd-debug" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_PPPD_KDEBUG "setting-pppd-kdebug" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_INCLUDE "include" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_MISC_TIMEOUT_IDLE "setting-misc-timeout-idle" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_COMMAND_PPPLCD_QUALITYTEST "command-ppplcd-qualitytest" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_COMMAND_PPPLCD_USECOUNT "command-ppplcd-usecount" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_COMMAND_PPPLCD_XFER_NEWS "command-ppplcd-xfer-news" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_COMMAND_PPPLCD_XFER_MAIL "command-ppplcd-xfer-mail" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_CONNECT_LOGIN "setting-connect-login" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_CONNECT_PASSWORD "setting-connect-password" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_CONNECT_PHONENUMBER "setting-connect-phonenumber" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_MISC_AUTORECONNECT "setting-misc-autoreconnect" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_IP_NETMASK "setting-ip-netmask" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_IP_MTU "setting-ip-mtu" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_IP_MRU "setting-ip-mru" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_IPC_MODE "setting-ipc-mode" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_IPC_OWNER "setting-ipc-owner" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_IPC_GROUP "setting-ipc-group" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_DEVICE_MODEM_DEVICE "setting-device-modem-device" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_DEVICE_MODEM_SPEED "setting-device-modem-speed" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_SETTING_MISC_QUALITY "setting-misc-quality" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_CHATLINE "chatline" #define PPPLCD_CONF_KW_COMMAND_PPPLCD_MISC "command-ppplcd-misc" extern int pppd_debug; extern int pppd_kdebug; extern char chatfile[]; extern char qtest_cmd[]; extern char usecnt_cmd[]; extern char mail_cmd[]; extern char news_cmd[]; extern char misc_cmd[]; #define PPPLCD_CFG_MAXSTRLEN 256 #endif @ 1.9 log @RCS Id is now Header @ text @d5 1 a5 1 static char *ppplcd_cfg_h_rcs_id = "$Header: ppplcd_cfg.h,v 1.8 1998/10/07 16:23:53 alexis Exp alexis $"; d45 1 @ 1.8 log @added nsswitcher support delinted @ text @d5 1 a5 1 static char *ppplcd_cfg_h_rcs_id = "$Id: ppplcd_cfg.h,v 1.7 1998/08/28 13:12:12 alexis Exp alexis $"; @ 1.7 log @milepost @ text @d4 2 a5 1 static char *ppplcd_cfg_h_rcs_id = "$Id: ppplcd_cfg.h,v 1.6 1998/08/07 11:28:42 alexis Exp $"; d11 1 @ 1.6 log @milepost - seems to work ok, though few messages seem wrong @ text @d4 1 a4 1 static char *ppplcd_cfg_h_rcs_id = "$Id: ppplcd_cfg.h,v 1.5 1997/10/26 12:12:31 alexis Exp $"; d7 27 a38 4 extern char sndmail_cmd[]; extern char sndnews_cmd[]; extern char getmail_cmd[]; extern char getnews_cmd[]; d41 1 @ 1.5 log @stamped for release 1.0.6 @ text @d4 1 a4 1 static char *ppplcd_cfg_h_rcs_id = "$Id: ppplcd_cfg.h,v 1.4 1997/10/20 17:06:06 alexis Exp alexis $"; d11 1 d16 2 @ 1.4 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d4 1 a4 1 static char *ppplcd_cfg_h_rcs_id = "$Id$"; @ 1.3 log @fsstnd conformancy abstracted xfer commands and added to config @ text @d1 6 d15 2 @ 1.2 log @More changes ... now works. @ text @d4 5 @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d3 1 @