head 1.3; access; symbols; locks alexis:1.3; strict; comment @ * @; 1.3 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.3 log @named references changed to wannabe @ text @/*@@unused@@*/ static char *ppplc_mgsids_c_rcs_id = "$Header: /diskb/home/alexis/dev/supported/ppplc/bin/RCS/ppplc_msgids.c,v 1.2 1999/04/28 11:16:44 alexis Exp alexis $"; /******************************************************************************* * * System Includes * *******************************************************************************/ #include /* for NULL */ /******************************************************************************* * * Application Includes * *******************************************************************************/ #include "sm.h" /* for msginfrec */ #include "ppplc_msgids.h" /* for MSGID_* */ /******************************************************************************* * * Global Data Definitions (for state machine interface) * *******************************************************************************/ struct msginfrec svrmsginfo_data[] = { { MSGID_EXEC_PPPD, 0, "exec pppd" }, { MSGID_OK_PPPD, 0, "ok pppd" }, { MSGID_NOK_PPPD, 0, "nok pppd" }, { MSGID_SET_QUIT, 0, "set quit" }, { MSGID_EXEC_IPUP, 1, "exec ipup" }, { MSGID_EXEC_QTEST, 0, "exec qtest" }, { MSGID_OK_QTEST, 0, "ok qtest" }, { MSGID_NOK_QTEST, 0, "nok qtest" }, { MSGID_EXEC_WANNABE_CHANGED, 0, "exec wannabechanged" }, { MSGID_OK_WANNABE_CHANGED, 0, "ok wannabechanged" }, { MSGID_NOK_WANNABE_CHANGED, 0, "nok wannabechanged" }, { MSGID_EXEC_SNDMAIL, 0, "exec sndmail" }, { MSGID_OK_SNDMAIL, 0, "ok sndmail" }, { MSGID_NOK_SNDMAIL, 0, "nok sndmail" }, { MSGID_EXEC_SNDNEWS, 0, "exec sndnews" }, { MSGID_OK_SNDNEWS, 0, "ok sndnews" }, { MSGID_NOK_SNDNEWS, 0, "nok sndnews" }, { MSGID_EXEC_GETMAIL, 0, "exec getmail" }, { MSGID_OK_GETMAIL, 0, "ok getmail" }, { MSGID_NOK_GETMAIL, 0, "nok getmail" }, { MSGID_EXEC_GETNEWS, 0, "exec getnews" }, { MSGID_OK_GETNEWS, 0, "ok getnews" }, { MSGID_NOK_GETNEWS, 0, "nok getnews" }, { MSGID_EXEC_USECNT, 1, "exec usecnt" }, { MSGID_OK_USECNT, 0, "ok usecnt" }, { MSGID_NOK_USECNT, 0, "nok usecnt" }, { MSGID_USECNT_RESPONSE, 1, "set usecount" }, { MSGID_EXEC_ANNOUNCE, 1, "exec announce" }, { MSGID_QTEST_RESPONSE, 1, "set quality" }, { MSGID_EXEC_IPDOWN, 0, "exec ipdown" }, { MSGID_SET_IDLEPARS, 1, "set idlepars" }, { MSGID_SET_QUALITY, 2, "set qualitypars" }, { MSGID_SET_DONEWS, 0, "set donews 1" }, { MSGID_UNSET_DONEWS, 0, "set donews 0" }, { MSGID_NOACTION, 0, "req null" }, { MSGID_HANGUP, 0, "set hangup" }, { MSGID_INFO_REQ, 1, "req info" }, { MSGID_LOAD_CONFIG, 0, "req loadconfig" }, { MSGID_GEN_CONFIG, 0, "req genconfig" }, { MSGID_SET_DEBUG, 1, "set debug" }, /* * This next one should not be *here* - it should be in the state machine * itself. This really necessitates a separate table, and fair bit of * modifications to table-scanning code. */ { MSGID_DEL_MSGID, 1, "delete msgs" }, { MSGID_SET_AUTORECONNECT, 0, "set arc 1" }, { MSGID_UNSET_AUTORECONNECT, 0, "set arc 0" }, { MSGID_EXEC_MISC, 0, "exec misc" }, { MSGID_EXEC_MAIL, 0, "exec mail" }, { MSGID_OK_MAIL, 0, "ok mail" }, { MSGID_NOK_MAIL, 0, "nok mail" }, { MSGID_EXEC_NEWS, 0, "exec news" }, { MSGID_OK_NEWS, 0, "ok news" }, { MSGID_NOK_NEWS, 0, "nok news" }, { MSGID_INFO_DATA, 40, "info data" }, { MSGID_PSEUDO_LAST, 0, NULL } }; @ 1.2 log @added RCS id @ text @d2 1 a2 1 static char *ppplc_mgsids_c_rcs_id = "$Header$"; d36 3 a38 3 { MSGID_EXEC_NAMED, 1, "exec named changes" }, { MSGID_OK_NAMED, 0, "ok named changes" }, { MSGID_NOK_NAMED, 0, "nok named changes" }, @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d1 3 @