head 1.21; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.21 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.20; 1.20 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.19; 1.19 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.18; 1.18 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.17; 1.17 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.16; 1.16 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.15; 1.15 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.14; 1.14 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.13; 1.13 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.12; 1.12 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.11; 1.11 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.10; 1.10 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.9; 1.9 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.8; 1.8 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.7; 1.7 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.21 log @added .DELETE_ON_ERROR GNU make definition @ text @# $Header: /diskb/home/alexis/dev/supported/ppplc/RCS/Makefile.defs,v 1.20 1999/01/07 13:03:21 alexis Exp alexis $ PROGID = ppplc ############################################################################### # # CONFIGURABLE STUFF STARTS HERE # ############################################################################### # If you want to install under /usr/local then uncomment these LCLDIR = /usr/local LCLBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin LCLSBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/sbin LCLXBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin/X11 LCLMANDIR = $(LCLDIR)/man LCLLIBDIR = $(LCLDIR)/lib LCLDOCDIR = $(LCLDIR)/doc LCLCFGDIR = $(LCLDIR)/etc LCLLOGDIR = /var/log PRGDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR)/$(PROGID) PRGLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR)/$(PROGID) PRGCFGDIR = $(LCLCFGDIR) PRGLOGDIR = $(LCLLOGDIR) # If you want to install under /usr/local/opt/ppplc then use these #LCLDIR = /usr/local/opt/$(PROGID) #LCLBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin #LCLSBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin #LCLXBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin #LCLMANDIR = $(LCLDIR)/man #LCLLIBDIR = $(LCLDIR)/lib #LCLDOCDIR = $(LCLDIR)/doc #LCLCFGDIR = /usr/local/etc #LCLLOGDIR = /var/log #PRGDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR)/$(PROGID) #PRGLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR)/$(PROGID) #PRGCFGDIR = $(LCLCFGDIR) #PRGLOGDIR = $(LCLLOGDIR) # If you want to install under /opt/TAHppplc then use these #LCLDIR = /opt/TAH$(PROGID) #LCLBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin #LCLSBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin #LCLXBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin #LCLMANDIR = $(LCLDIR)/man #LCLLIBDIR = $(LCLDIR)/lib #LCLDOCDIR = $(LCLDIR)/doc #LCLCFGDIR = /etc #LCLLOGDIR = /var/log #PRGDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR)/$(PROGID) #PRGLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR)/$(PROGID) #PRGCFGDIR = $(LCLCFGDIR) #PRGLOGDIR = $(LCLLOGDIR) # If you want to install under / then use these #LCLDIR = / #LCLBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/usr/bin #LCLSBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/usr/sbin #LCLXBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/usr/bin/X11 #LCLMANDIR = $(LCLDIR)/usr/man #LCLLIBDIR = $(LCLDIR)/usr/lib #LCLDOCDIR = $(LCLDIR)/usr/doc #LCLCFGDIR = /etc #LCLLOGDIR = /var/log #PRGDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR)/$(PROGID) #PRGLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR)/$(PROGID) #PRGCFGDIR = $(LCLCFGDIR) #PRGLOGDIR = $(LCLLOGDIR) # And if you want to install to somewhere completely different then set these # entries up as you see fit. #LCLDIR = #LCLBINDIR = #LCLSBINDIR = #LCLXBINDIR = #LCLMANDIR = #LCLLIBDIR = #LCLDOCDIR = #LCLCFGDIR = #LCLLOGDIR = #PRGDOCDIR = #PRGLIBDIR = #PRGCFGDIR = #PRGLOGDIR = # Where are lock files stored? LOCK_DIR = /var/run # Which Bourne-like shell understands functions? 'ksh' is a good choice. SHELL_CMD = /usr/bin/ksh # Where is perl version 5? PERL_CMD = /usr/bin/perl # Where is GNU make? MAKE = make #MAKE = gmake # Where is BSD or GNU install? If yours doesn't support '-d' then use the # supplied script 'shinstall'. INSTALL_CMD = install #INSTALL_CMD = $(SHELL_CMD) $(SUPPORT_DIR)/shinstall # What compiler do you want to use? CC = gcc CFLAGS = -O2 # Various commands used by scripts SENDMAIL_CMD = /usr/lib/sendmail FETCHMAIL_CMD = /usr/bin/fetchmail GETNEWS_CMD = /usr/sbin/get-news NEWSBINDIR = /usr/lib/news ############################################################################### # # CONFIGURABLE STUFF ENDS HERE - DON'T MODIFY ANYTHING BELOW HERE # ############################################################################### PRE_MKREL_CMPTS = bin doc lib man POST_MKREL_CMPTS = html TXT2HTML = $(SUPPORT_DIR)/txt2html # Calling 'perl shpp' is safer than just using 'shpp' - no #! worries SHPP_CMD = $(PERL_CMD) $(SUPPORT_DIR)/shpp SHPP_FLAGS = -D MARKER_LCLDIR=$(LCLDIR) \ -D MARKER_LCLBINDIR=$(LCLBINDIR) \ -D MARKER_LCLSBINDIR=$(LCLSBINDIR) \ -D MARKER_LCLXBINDIR=$(LCLXBINDIR) \ -D MARKER_LCLMANDIR=$(LCLMANDIR) \ -D MARKER_LCLLIBDIR=$(LCLLIBDIR) \ -D MARKER_LCLDOCDIR=$(LCLDOCDIR) \ -D MARKER_LCLCFGDIR=$(LCLCFGDIR) \ -D MARKER_LCLLOGDIR=$(LCLLOGDIR) \ -D MARKER_PRGDOCDIR=$(PRGDOCDIR) \ -D MARKER_PRGLIBDIR=$(PRGLIBDIR) \ -D MARKER_PRGCFGDIR=$(PRGCFGDIR) \ -D MARKER_PRGLOGDIR=$(PRGLOGDIR) \ \ -D MARKER_LOCK_DIR=$(LOCK_DIR) \ \ -D MARKER_SHELL_CMD=$(SHELL_CMD) \ \ -D MARKER_PERL_CMD=$(PERL_CMD) \ \ -D MARKER_SENDMAIL_CMD=$(SENDMAIL_CMD) \ -D MARKER_FETCHMAIL_CMD=$(FETCHMAIL_CMD) \ -D MARKER_GETNEWS_CMD=$(GETNEWS_CMD) \ -D MARKER_NEWSBINDIR=$(NEWSBINDIR) default: compile .DELETE_ON_ERROR: @ 1.20 log @symbol name changes @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Header: Makefile.defs,v 1.19 1998/10/07 16:15:09 alexis Exp alexis $ d152 3 @ 1.19 log @removed logger definition uncommented perl definition for xppplcc @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.18 1998/08/31 10:39:54 alexis Exp alexis $ a2 1 # This package has one config file, lots of lib files, no logs d10 2 a11 20 # If you want to install into /usr/local then uncomment these lines # LCLDIR = /usr/local # LCLBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin # LCLSBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/sbin # LCLXBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin/X11 # LCLMANDIR = $(LCLDIR)/man # LCLLIBDIR = $(LCLDIR)/lib # LCLDOCDIR = $(LCLDIR)/doc # LCLCFGDIR = $(LCLDIR)/etc # LCLLOGDIR = /var/log # PRGDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR)/$(PROGID) # # PRGLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR) # PRGLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR)/$(PROGID) # PRGCFGDIR = $(LCLCFGDIR) # # PRGCFGDIR = $(LCLCFGDIR)/$(PROGID) # PRGLOGDIR = $(LCLLOGDIR) # # PRGLOGDIR = $(LCLLOGDIR)/$(PROGID) # If you want to install into /usr/local/opt/packagename then use these LCLDIR = /usr/local/opt/$(PROGID) d13 2 a14 2 LCLSBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin LCLXBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin d18 1 a18 1 LCLCFGDIR = /usr/local/etc a20 1 # PRGLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR) a22 1 # PRGCFGDIR = $(LCLCFGDIR)/$(PROGID) a23 1 # PRGLOGDIR = $(LCLLOGDIR)/$(PROGID) d25 44 a68 35 # If you want to install into /opt/packagename then use these # LCLDIR = /opt/$(PROGID) # LCLBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin # LCLSBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin # LCLXBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin # LCLMANDIR = $(LCLDIR)/man # LCLLIBDIR = $(LCLDIR)/lib # LCLDOCDIR = $(LCLDIR)/doc # LCLCFGDIR = /etc # LCLLOGDIR = /var/log # PRGDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR)/$(PROGID) # # PRGLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR) # PRGLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR)/$(PROGID) # PRGCFGDIR = $(LCLCFGDIR) # # PRGCFGDIR = $(LCLCFGDIR)/$(PROGID) # PRGLOGDIR = $(LCLLOGDIR) # # PRGLOGDIR = $(LCLLOGDIR)/$(PROGID) # If you want to install into / then use these # LCLDIR = / # LCLBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/usr/bin # LCLSBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/usr/sbin # LCLXBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/usr/bin/X11 # LCLMANDIR = $(LCLDIR)/usr/man # LCLLIBDIR = $(LCLDIR)/usr/lib # LCLDOCDIR = $(LCLDIR)/usr/doc # LCLCFGDIR = /etc # LCLLOGDIR = /var/log # PRGDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR)/$(PROGID) # # PRGLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR) # PRGLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR)/$(PROGID) # PRGCFGDIR = $(LCLCFGDIR) # # PRGCFGDIR = $(LCLCFGDIR)/$(PROGID) # PRGLOGDIR = $(LCLLOGDIR) # # PRGLOGDIR = $(LCLLOGDIR)/$(PROGID) d72 13 a84 13 # LCLDIR = # LCLBINDIR = # LCLSBINDIR = # LCLXBINDIR = # LCLMANDIR = # LCLLIBDIR = # LCLDOCDIR = # LCLCFGDIR = # LCLLOGDIR = # PRGDOCDIR = # PRGLIBDIR = # PRGCFGDIR = # PRGLOGDIR = d89 5 a93 4 # Where is BSD or GNU install? If yous doesn't support '-d' then use the # supplied script 'shinstall'. INSTALL = install # INSTALL = shinstall d97 1 a97 1 # MAKE = gmake d99 4 a102 11 # Which Bourne-like shell understands functions? 'ksh' is a good choice. SCRIPTSHELLCMD = /usr/bin/ksh # Where is perl? PERLCMD = /usr/bin/perl # If these commands are in your PATH, then leave them unset. # GUNZIPCMD = # GZIPCMD = # COMPRESSCMD = # UNCOMPRESSCMD = d109 3 a111 3 SENDMAILCMD = /usr/lib/sendmail FETCHMAILCMD = /usr/bin/fetchmail SUCKGETNEWSCMD = /usr/sbin/get-news d123 16 a138 14 SHPP = $(SUPPORT_DIR)/shpp SHPPFLAGS = -D LCLDIR_MARKER=$(LCLDIR) \ -D LCLBINDIR_MARKER=$(LCLBINDIR) \ -D LCLSBINDIR_MARKER=$(LCLSBINDIR) \ -D LCLXBINDIR_MARKER=$(LCLXBINDIR) \ -D LCLMANDIR_MARKER=$(LCLMANDIR) \ -D LCLLIBDIR_MARKER=$(LCLLIBDIR) \ -D LCLDOCDIR_MARKER=$(LCLDOCDIR) \ -D LCLCFGDIR_MARKER=$(LCLCFGDIR) \ -D LCLLOGDIR_MARKER=$(LCLLOGDIR) \ -D PRGDOCDIR_MARKER=$(PRGDOCDIR) \ -D PRGLIBDIR_MARKER=$(PRGLIBDIR) \ -D PRGCFGDIR_MARKER=$(PRGCFGDIR) \ -D PRGLOGDIR_MARKER=$(PRGLOGDIR) \ d140 1 a140 1 -D LOCK_DIR_MARKER=$(LOCK_DIR) \ d142 1 a142 1 -D SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER=$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD) \ d144 1 a144 5 -D PERLCMD_MARKER=$(PERLCMD) \ -D GZIPCMD_MARKER=$(GZIPCMD) \ -D GUNZIPCMD_MARKER=$(GUNZIPCMD) \ -D XXXCOMPRESSCMD_MARKER=$(XXXCOMPRESSCMD) \ -D XXXUNCOMPRESSCMD_MARKER=$(XXXUNCOMPRESSCMD) \ d146 4 a149 4 -D SENDMAILCMD_MARKER=$(SENDMAILCMD) \ -D FETCHMAILCMD_MARKER=$(FETCHMAILCMD) \ -D SUCKGETNEWSCMD_MARKER=$(SUCKGETNEWSCMD) \ -D NEWSBINDIR_MARKER=$(NEWSBINDIR) @ 1.18 log @standardised @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.9 1998/08/30 15:07:57 alexis Exp $ d115 1 a115 1 # PERLCMD = /usr/bin/perl a121 1 # LOGGERCMD = a161 1 -D LOGGERCMD_MARKER=$(LOGGERCMD) \ @ 1.17 log @milepost @ text @d1 1 a1 3 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.4 1998/08/23 14:37:38 alexis Exp $ # Leave this line alone! d3 1 d11 2 a12 14 # If you want to install into /usr/local then uncomment these lines LCLDIR = /usr/local LCLBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin LCLSBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/sbin LCLXBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin/X11 LCLMANDIR = $(LCLDIR)/man LCLLIBDIR = $(LCLDIR)/lib LCLDOCDIR = $(LCLDIR)/doc PRGLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR)/$(PROGID) PRGDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR)/$(PROGID) PRGCFGDIR = $(LCLDIR)/etc # If you want to install into /usr/local/opt/packagename then use these # LCLDIR = /usr/local/opt/$(PROGID) d15 1 a15 1 # LCLXBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin d19 4 d24 22 a45 2 # PRGDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR)/$(PROGID) # PRGCFGDIR = /usr/local/etc d47 1 a47 1 # If you want to install into /opt/packagename then use these d50 1 a50 1 # LCLSBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/sbin d55 4 d60 4 a63 2 # PRGDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR)/$(PROGID) # PRGCFGDIR = /usr/local/etc d65 1 a65 1 # If you want to install into / then use these d73 4 d78 4 a81 2 # PRGDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR)/$(PROGID) # PRGCFGDIR = $(LCLDIR)/etc d83 2 a84 2 # And if you want to install to somewhere completely different then set these # entries up as you see fit d92 3 a95 1 # PRGDOCDIR = d97 4 d102 2 a103 3 # Does your 'install' program support the '-d' option to create directories? # If so then use it, otherwise use 'shintall' which is in the sources. Don't # worry about adding it to your PATH. d111 13 a127 7 # Which shell on your system understands functions? Korn shell is a good choice # simply because it's so standard. SCRIPTSHELLCMD = /usr/bin/ksh # Where are lock files stored? LOCK_DIR = /var/run d142 1 d144 11 a154 1 SHPPFLAGS = -D SCRIPTSHELLCMD_MARKER=$(SCRIPTSHELLCMD) \ d156 14 a169 3 -D PRGLIBDIR_MARKER=$(PRGLIBDIR) \ -D LCLSBINDIR_MARKER=$(LCLSBINDIR) \ -D LCLBINDIR_MARKER=$(LCLBINDIR) \ d171 2 a172 4 -D SENDMAILCMD_MARKER=$(SENDMAILCMD) \ -D LOCK_DIR_MARKER=$(LOCK_DIR) \ -D NEWSBINDIR_MARKER=$(NEWSBINDIR) \ -D SUCKGETNEWSCMD_MARKER=$(SUCKGETNEWSCMD) @ 1.16 log @added compiled manual pages to list of binary dist release files @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.15 1998/03/01 14:50:05 alexis Exp alexis $ d6 6 d16 1 d22 1 a22 1 PRGCFGDIR = /usr/local/etc d25 1 a25 1 # LCLDIR = /usr/local/opt/$(PROGID) d28 1 d33 1 a33 1 # PRGDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR) d40 1 d45 1 a45 1 # PRGDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR) d48 12 d65 1 d87 2 a88 1 # Scripts should be run under which shell? d90 1 d92 1 a92 1 LOCKDIR = /var/run d94 1 a94 1 # For 'sndmail-sendmail' d96 2 a97 5 # For 'getmail-sendmail' # (nothing) # For 'getnews-slurp' - NNMASTER only needed if you have it! a98 2 SLURPCMD = /usr/local/lib/nntp/slurp #NNMASTERCMD = /usr/lib/nn/nnmaster d100 5 a104 11 # For 'sndnews-nntpxmit' NEWSBINDIR = /usr/lib/news XMITNEWSCMD = /usr/local/lib/nntp/xmitnews TOGOTEMPLATE = /var/spool/news/out.going/%H/togo # For 'getnews-slurp' NEWSBINDIR = /usr/lib/news SUCKGETNEWSCMD = /usr/sbin/get-news # For 'sndnews-slurp' # (nothing) a105 1 # There is nothing to configure below this line. a106 8 MKREL_MAKE_ABLES = bin/ppplcd bin/sndmsg bin/ppplcc bin/xppplcc \ lib/getnews-slurp lib/sndnews-nntpxmit \ lib/getnews-suck lib/sndnews-suck \ lib/ip-up lib/ip-down \ doc/examples/ppplc.cfg \ doc/examples/crontab \ doc/examples/local-ppplc \ man/ppplcc.1 man/sndmsg.8 man/ppplc.cfg.5 d108 11 a120 2 FORCE: @ 1.15 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.14 1998/03/01 14:16:24 alexis Exp alexis $ d76 1 a76 1 # For 'getnews-slurp' a79 1 NNMASTERCMD = echo "ERROR: NNMASTER CALLED!" && exit 1 d102 1 a102 1 man/ppplcc.1 @ 1.14 log @modified to conform to new way of doing makefiles @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.6 1998/02/12 12:19:32 alexis Exp $ d9 1 d20 1 d31 1 d43 1 d99 1 d101 1 a101 1 doc/examples/ip-up \ d103 1 a103 1 doc/examples/ip-down @ 1.13 log @added support for suck @ text @d1 1 a1 13 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.12 1998/02/05 12:17:57 alexis Exp alexis $ ############################################################################### # # THERE ARE NO PARAMETERS IN HERE THAT ARE CONFIGURABLE IF YOU HAVE UNPACKED # A *BINARY* RELEASE! THE FOLLOWING PATH NAMES HAVE BEEN HARD CODED INTO # EXECUTABLES! IF YOU CHANGE THEM FOR THE PURPOSE OF CHANGING INSTALLATION # DIRECTORIES THEN SEVERAL PRE-COMPILED COMPONENTS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO FIND # EACH OTHER! # # THESE ARE CONFIGURABLE ONLY IF YOU HAVE UNPACKED A *SOURCE* RELEASE! # ############################################################################### d3 1 d6 1 a6 1 # For /usr/local d10 1 d12 3 a14 4 PPPLCDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR)/$(PROGID) LCLLIBDIR = $(LCLDIR)/lib PPPLCLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR)/$(PROGID) PPPLCCFGDIR = /usr/local/etc d16 2 a17 2 # For /opt # LCLDIR = /opt/$(PROGID) d20 1 d22 3 a24 4 # PPPLCDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR) # LCLLIBDIR = $(LCLDIR)/lib # PPPLCLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR)/$(PROGID) PPPLCCFGDIR = /usr/local/etc d26 2 a27 2 # For /usr/local/opt # LCLDIR = /usr/local/opt/$(PROGID) d30 1 d32 24 a55 4 # PPPLCDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR) # LCLLIBDIR = $(LCLDIR)/lib # PPPLCLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR)/$(PROGID) PPPLCCFGDIR = /usr/local/etc d57 1 a59 2 INSTALL = install # INSTALL = shinstall d61 1 d63 4 a67 1 LOCKDIR = /var/run d69 4 d75 2 a76 1 NNMASTERCMD = /usr/lib/nn/nnmaster d78 1 d83 1 d87 6 a92 1 RELEASE_BINARIES = bin/ppplcd bin/sndmsg bin/ppplcc bin/xppplcc \ d99 3 d103 1 @ 1.12 log @simplified and added html support @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.11 1997/11/24 16:05:22 alexis Exp alexis $ d54 7 d63 1 d65 1 a65 3 LOCKDIR = /var/run SLURPCMD = /usr/local/lib/nntp/slurp NNMASTERCMD = /usr/lib/nn/nnmaster d68 2 a69 1 lib/getnews lib/sndnews \ @ 1.11 log @just added more comments @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.10 1997/11/11 11:40:29 alexis Exp alexis $ d15 1 a15 2 # Each of the things in this file need to be set. Work your way through # following the instructions for each item. d17 1 a17 1 # The base of the installation. You probably should leave this as /usr/local. a18 3 # These things are are under that base. There's ./bin, ./man, ./doc, # ./doc/ppplc, ./lib, ./lib/ppplc. Again these are probably okay already. d22 1 a22 1 PPPLCDOCDIR = $(LCLDOCDIR)/ppplc d24 2 a25 1 PPPLCLIBDIR = $(LCLLIBDIR)/ppplc d27 8 a34 3 # The possible exception is the main config file. Even if you've changed the # base directory above, you probably still want the one and only config file # to go into /usr/local/etc. d37 9 a45 6 # The distribution includes a couple of scripts. These must be interpreted by # a shell that understands basic Bourne shell syntax *AND* shell functions - # so a standard Bourne shell is *NOT* suffient! Bash and Korn shell are fine, # if your /bin/sh *is* Bash, then that's fine too. Of course the shell has # got to exist on your system. SCRIPTSHELLCMD = /usr/bin/ksh a46 1 # What should we compile with? a47 2 # Any flags for that? a48 3 # If 'install' isn't GNU install then set this to whereever GNU install is! # Normal 'install' such as used by Solaris is *NOT* sufficient. d50 1 d52 1 a52 2 # If you intend to use the distributed 'sndmail' or 'getmail' programs # then set this to the full path of your 'sendmail' executable. a53 4 # If you intend to use the distributed 'sndnews' then set this to where # 'xmitnews' is. a54 2 # And set this to where your 'togo' file is. Leave the '%H' alone - it will # be replaced at run time with the name of the remote news server. a55 3 # If you intend to use the distributed 'getnews' then set this to where # the news bin directory is. a56 1 # And this to where lock files should be written. a57 1 # And this to the full pathname of the 'slurp' executable. a58 1 # And this to the full pathname of the 'nnmaster' executable if you have it. d60 8 @ 1.10 log @modified CFLAGS for optimisation, not debug @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.9 1997/11/08 13:55:42 alexis Exp alexis $ d15 4 a18 1 # The base of the installation d21 2 a22 1 # Things that should almost certainly be in subdirectories of that base d30 3 a32 1 # The possible exception is the main config file d35 5 a39 1 # Compilation parameters d41 2 d44 2 d47 3 d52 14 a65 1 # Various things that get hard-coded into executables d67 1 d69 1 a69 2 SENDMAILCMD = /usr/lib/sendmail XMITNEWSCMD = /usr/local/lib/nntp/xmitnews d71 1 a72 1 TOGOTEMPLATE = /var/spool/news/out.going/%H/togo @ 1.9 log @rearranged, added more symbols @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.8 1997/10/26 20:54:37 alexis Exp alexis $ d32 1 a32 1 CFLAGS = -g @ 1.8 log @more directory changes @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.7 1997/10/26 17:46:10 alexis Exp alexis $ d15 1 d17 2 d24 1 d26 1 a27 1 NEWSBINDIR = /usr/lib/news d29 2 d34 9 @ 1.7 log @directory reorganisation @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.6 1997/10/26 13:53:43 alexis Exp $ d19 1 d22 1 a22 1 PPPLCDCFGDIR = /usr/local/etc @ 1.6 log @added support for different /etc dir in symbol SYSETCDIR @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.5 1997/10/26 12:12:37 alexis Exp alexis $ d16 1 a16 3 LCLETCDIR = $(LCLDIR)/etc LCLSBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/sbin LCLXBINDIR = $(LCLDIR)/bin/X11 d21 1 a21 2 SYSETCDIR = /etc SYSPPPDIR = $(SYSETCDIR)/ppp @ 1.5 log @stamped for release 1.0.6 @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.4 1997/10/26 10:02:46 alexis Exp alexis $ d23 2 a24 1 PPPETCDIR = /etc/ppp @ 1.4 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.3 1997/10/22 21:41:44 alexis Exp alexis $ @ 1.3 log @added defn for BASEXBINDIR @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.2 1997/10/22 17:32:45 alexis Exp alexis $ d15 7 a21 7 BASEDIR = /usr/local BASEETCDIR = $(BASEDIR)/etc BASESBINDIR = $(BASEDIR)/sbin BASEXBINDIR = $(BASEDIR)/bin/X11 BASEMANDIR = $(BASEDIR)/man BASEDOCDIR = $(BASEDIR)/doc BASELIBDIR = $(BASEDIR)/lib d24 1 d28 1 @ 1.2 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile.defs,v 1.1 1997/10/22 16:19:37 alexis Exp alexis $ d18 1 @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.22 1997/10/22 14:38:22 alexis Exp $ d16 5 a20 5 ETCDIR = $(BASEDIR)/etc/ppplc SBINDIR = $(BASEDIR)/sbin MAN8DIR = $(BASEDIR)/man/man8 DOCDIR = $(BASEDIR)/doc/ppplc LIBDIR = $(BASEDIR)/lib/ppplc @