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bin/xppplcc.shpp 1.5 ComponentId: doc/COPYING NOT_IDENTABLE ComponentId: doc/INSTALL 1.3 ComponentId: doc/Makefile 1.14 ComponentId: doc/README.1ST 1.3 ComponentId: doc/TODO /diskb/home/alexis/dev/supported/ppplc/doc/RCS/TODO,v 1.4 ComponentId: doc/examples/Makefile 1.22 ComponentId: doc/examples/crontab.shpp 1.5 ComponentId: doc/examples/local-ppplc.shpp 1.19 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplc-misc-null 1.3 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplcd.conf.shpp 1.28 ComponentId: lib/Makefile 1.26 ComponentId: lib/isps/Makefile 1.2 ComponentId: lib/isps/demon-noidle.conf 1.4 ComponentId: lib/isps/demon.conf 1.6 ComponentId: lib/mail/Makefile 1.3 ComponentId: lib/mail/mail-sendmail+fetchmail.shpp 1.5 ComponentId: lib/mail/mail-sendmail.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: lib/mail/utils.sh.shpp 1.25 ComponentId: lib/mail/gep.sh.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: lib/misc/Makefile 1.7 ComponentId: lib/misc/announce.shpp 1.17 ComponentId: lib/misc/nsswitcher.shpp 1.5 ComponentId: lib/misc/qtest.shpp 1.13 ComponentId: lib/misc/usecnt.shpp 1.8 ComponentId: lib/misc/utils.sh.shpp 1.25 ComponentId: lib/misc/gep.sh.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: lib/modems/Makefile 1.3 ComponentId: lib/modems/courier-v-everything.conf 1.6 ComponentId: lib/news/Makefile 1.5 ComponentId: lib/news/news-suck.shpp 1.8 ComponentId: lib/news/utils.sh.shpp 1.25 ComponentId: lib/news/gep.sh.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: lib/ppp/Makefile 1.5 ComponentId: lib/ppp/ip-down.shpp 1.3 ComponentId: lib/ppp/ip-up.shpp 1.4 ComponentId: lib/ppp/utils.sh.shpp 1.25 ComponentId: lib/ppp/gep.sh.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: man/Makefile 1.6 ComponentId: man/getmsg.1.shpp 1.3 ComponentId: man/ppplcc.1.shpp 1.9 ComponentId: man/ppplcd.8.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: man/ppplcd.conf.5.shpp 1.8 ComponentId: man/sndmsg.1.shpp 1.9 ComponentId: support/shinstall /home/ahuxley/dev/supported/support/RCS/paths.shpp,v 1.1 /home/ahuxley/dev/work/eso/console/bin/RCS/console.shpp,v 1.9 /home/ahuxley/dev/supported/support/bin/RCS/shinstall.shpp,v 1.6 /home/ahuxley/dev/supported/support/lib/RCS/utils.sh.shpp,v 1.22 /home/ahuxley/dev/supported/support/lib/RCS/gep.sh.shpp,v 1.5 ComponentId: support/shpp /home/ahuxley/dev/supported/support/RCS/paths.shpp,v 1.1 /home/ahuxley/dev/supported/support/bin/RCS/shpp.shpp,v 1.17 /home/ahuxley/dev/supported/support/lib/RCS/utils.pl.shpp,v 1.31 /home/alexis/dev/supported/support/lib/RCS/gep.pl.shpp,v 1.3 @ 1.88 log @Release (Sun Jan 9 12:00:16 MET 2000) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: d21 2 a22 2 ComponentId: bin/utils.sh.shpp 1.17 ComponentId: bin/gep.sh.shpp 1.1 d24 1 d28 1 d41 2 a42 2 ComponentId: lib/mail/utils.sh.shpp 1.17 ComponentId: lib/mail/gep.sh.shpp 1.1 d48 2 a49 2 ComponentId: lib/misc/utils.sh.shpp 1.17 ComponentId: lib/misc/gep.sh.shpp 1.1 d54 2 a55 2 ComponentId: lib/news/utils.sh.shpp 1.17 ComponentId: lib/news/gep.sh.shpp 1.1 d59 2 a60 2 ComponentId: lib/ppp/utils.sh.shpp 1.17 ComponentId: lib/ppp/gep.sh.shpp 1.1 d67 2 @ 1.87 log @Release 1.4.99 (Thu Aug 5 17:31:22 BST 1999) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.4.99 d8 1 a8 1 ComponentId: bin/Makefile 1.21 d14 1 a14 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.c 1.24 d19 1 a19 1 ComponentId: bin/utils.c 1.13 d21 1 a21 1 ComponentId: bin/utils.sh.shpp 1.13 d39 1 a39 1 ComponentId: lib/mail/utils.sh.shpp 1.13 d46 1 a46 1 ComponentId: lib/misc/utils.sh.shpp 1.13 d52 1 a52 1 ComponentId: lib/news/utils.sh.shpp 1.13 d57 1 a57 1 ComponentId: lib/ppp/utils.sh.shpp 1.13 @ 1.86 log @Release (Fri May 7 17:06:09 BST 1999) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: d29 1 a29 1 ComponentId: doc/examples/local-ppplc.shpp 1.18 @ 1.85 log @Release (Fri May 7 15:51:03 BST 1999) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: d4 1 a4 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplc_msgids.shpp 1.2 d17 1 a17 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplc_msgids.h.shpp 1.2 @ 1.84 log @Release (Thu May 6 09:46:21 BST 1999) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: d5 1 a5 1 ComponentId: bin/sm.c 1.1 d10 1 a10 1 ComponentId: bin/getmsg.c 1.5 d13 2 a14 2 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.shpp 1.45 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.c 1.23 d16 1 a16 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplc_msgids.c 1.2 d18 3 a20 3 ComponentId: bin/sndmsg.c 1.20 ComponentId: bin/utils.c 1.12 ComponentId: bin/utils.h 1.11 d29 1 a29 1 ComponentId: doc/examples/local-ppplc.shpp 1.17 d31 1 a31 1 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplcd.conf.shpp 1.27 d41 1 a41 1 ComponentId: lib/misc/Makefile 1.6 d43 1 a43 2 ComponentId: lib/misc/nsswitcher.shpp 1.4 ComponentId: lib/misc/pppd-dummy.shpp 1.5 a44 1 ComponentId: lib/misc/usecnt-dummy.shpp 1.4 @ 1.83 log @Release (Sat Feb 20 18:14:34 GMT 1999) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.20 d4 7 a10 3 ComponentId: bin/Makefile 1.19 ComponentId: bin/dhuy.shpp 1.5 ComponentId: bin/getmsg.c 1.4 d13 6 a18 12 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.shpp 1.43 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.c 1.20 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.h 1.12 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_cfg.c 1.12 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_cfg.h 1.9 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_ipc.c 1.11 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_ipc.h 1.7 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_mhf.c 1.20 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_mhf.h 1.4 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_msgids.c 1.8 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_msgids.h 1.7 ComponentId: bin/sndmsg.c 1.19 d21 4 a24 3 ComponentId: bin/utils.sh.shpp 1.9 ComponentId: bin/xppplcc.shpp 1.4 ComponentId: doc/INSTALL 1.2 d27 1 a27 2 ComponentId: doc/TODO 1.3 ComponentId: doc/examples/Makefile 1.21 d29 1 a29 1 ComponentId: doc/examples/local-ppplc.shpp 1.15 d31 1 a31 1 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplcd.conf.shpp 1.26 d36 14 a49 12 ComponentId: lib/mail/Makefile 1.2 ComponentId: lib/mail/mail-sendmail+fetchmail.shpp 1.4 ComponentId: lib/mail/mail-sendmail.shpp 1.5 ComponentId: lib/mail/utils.sh.shpp 1.9 ComponentId: lib/misc/Makefile 1.5 ComponentId: lib/misc/announce.shpp 1.16 ComponentId: lib/misc/nsswitcher.shpp 1.3 ComponentId: lib/misc/pppd-dummy.shpp 1.4 ComponentId: lib/misc/qtest.shpp 1.12 ComponentId: lib/misc/usecnt-dummy.shpp 1.3 ComponentId: lib/misc/usecnt.shpp 1.7 ComponentId: lib/misc/utils.sh.shpp 1.9 d52 10 a61 8 ComponentId: lib/news/Makefile 1.4 ComponentId: lib/news/news-suck.shpp 1.7 ComponentId: lib/news/utils.sh.shpp 1.9 ComponentId: lib/ppp/Makefile 1.4 ComponentId: lib/ppp/ip-down.shpp 1.2 ComponentId: lib/ppp/ip-up.shpp 1.3 ComponentId: lib/ppp/utils.sh.shpp 1.9 ComponentId: man/Makefile 1.5 d66 1 a66 1 ComponentId: man/sndmsg.1.shpp 1.8 @ 1.82 log @Release 1.4 (Fri Jan 15 13:22:00 GMT 1999) @ text @d1 2 a2 1 ReleaseId: 1.4 a3 1 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.20 d5 1 a5 1 ComponentId: bin/dhuy.shpp 1.4 d9 1 a9 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.shpp 1.42 d21 1 a21 1 ComponentId: bin/utils.c 1.11 d23 1 a23 1 ComponentId: bin/utils.sh.shpp 1.8 d28 1 a28 1 ComponentId: doc/TODO 1.2 d39 3 a41 3 ComponentId: lib/mail/mail-sendmail+fetchmail.shpp 1.3 ComponentId: lib/mail/mail-sendmail.shpp 1.4 ComponentId: lib/mail/utils.sh.shpp 1.8 d43 1 a43 1 ComponentId: lib/misc/announce.shpp 1.15 d45 2 a46 2 ComponentId: lib/misc/pppd-dummy.shpp 1.3 ComponentId: lib/misc/qtest.shpp 1.11 d48 2 a49 2 ComponentId: lib/misc/usecnt.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: lib/misc/utils.sh.shpp 1.8 d53 2 a54 2 ComponentId: lib/news/news-suck.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: lib/news/utils.sh.shpp 1.8 d58 1 a58 1 ComponentId: lib/ppp/utils.sh.shpp 1.8 d61 1 a61 1 ComponentId: man/ppplcc.1.shpp 1.8 @ 1.81 log @Release 1.3.99 (Thu Jan 14 18:06:35 GMT 1999) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 1.3.99 ComponentId: Makefile 1.43 d28 1 a28 1 ComponentId: doc/TODO 1.1 d61 4 a64 4 ComponentId: man/ppplcc.1.shpp 1.7 ComponentId: man/ppplcd.8.shpp 1.5 ComponentId: man/ppplcd.conf.5.shpp 1.7 ComponentId: man/sndmsg.1.shpp 1.7 @ 1.80 log @Release (Wed Oct 21 21:59:04 BST 1998) @ text @d1 64 a64 63 ReleaseId: ComponentId: Makefile 1.42 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.19 ComponentId: bin/Makefile 1.18 ComponentId: bin/dhuy.shpp 1.3 ComponentId: bin/getmsg.c 1.3 ComponentId: bin/patchlevel.c 1.4 ComponentId: bin/patchlevel.h 1.5 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.shpp 1.41 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.c 1.19 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.h 1.11 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_cfg.c 1.11 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_cfg.h 1.8 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_ipc.c 1.10 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_ipc.h 1.6 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_mhf.c 1.19 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_mhf.h 1.3 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_msgids.c 1.7 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_msgids.h 1.6 ComponentId: bin/sndmsg.c 1.18 ComponentId: bin/utils.c 1.10 ComponentId: bin/utils.h 1.9 ComponentId: bin/utils.sh.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: bin/xppplcc.shpp 1.3 ComponentId: doc/INSTALL 1.1 ComponentId: doc/Makefile 1.13 ComponentId: doc/README.1ST 1.2 ComponentId: doc/examples/Makefile 1.20 ComponentId: doc/examples/crontab.shpp 1.4 ComponentId: doc/examples/local-ppplc.shpp 1.14 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplc-misc-null 1.2 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplcd.conf.shpp 1.25 ComponentId: lib/Makefile 1.25 ComponentId: lib/isps/Makefile 1.1 ComponentId: lib/isps/demon-noidle.conf 1.3 ComponentId: lib/isps/demon.conf 1.5 ComponentId: lib/mail/Makefile 1.1 ComponentId: lib/mail/mail-sendmail+fetchmail.shpp 1.2 ComponentId: lib/mail/mail-sendmail.shpp 1.3 ComponentId: lib/mail/utils.sh.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: lib/misc/Makefile 1.4 ComponentId: lib/misc/announce.shpp 1.14 ComponentId: lib/misc/nsswitcher.shpp 1.1 ComponentId: lib/misc/pppd-dummy.shpp 1.2 ComponentId: lib/misc/qtest.shpp 1.10 ComponentId: lib/misc/usecnt-dummy.shpp 1.2 ComponentId: lib/misc/usecnt.shpp 1.5 ComponentId: lib/misc/utils.sh.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: lib/modems/Makefile 1.2 ComponentId: lib/modems/courier-v-everything.conf 1.5 ComponentId: lib/news/Makefile 1.2 ComponentId: lib/news/news-suck.shpp 1.4 ComponentId: lib/news/utils.sh.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: lib/ppp/Makefile 1.1 ComponentId: lib/ppp/ip-down.shpp 1.1 ComponentId: lib/ppp/ip-up.shpp 1.1 ComponentId: lib/ppp/utils.sh.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: man/Makefile 1.4 ComponentId: man/getmsg.1.shpp 1.2 ComponentId: man/ppplcc.1.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: man/ppplcd.8.shpp 1.4 ComponentId: man/ppplcd.conf.5.shpp 1.6 ComponentId: man/sndmsg.1.shpp 1.6 @ 1.79 log @Release 1.3.6 (Sat Oct 17 14:28:26 BST 1998) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 1.3.6 ComponentId: Makefile 1.41 d25 2 a26 2 ComponentId: doc/INSTALL.shpp 1.14 ComponentId: doc/Makefile 1.12 d32 2 a33 2 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplcd.conf.shpp 1.24 ComponentId: lib/Makefile 1.24 d41 1 a41 1 ComponentId: lib/misc/Makefile 1.2 a42 2 ComponentId: lib/misc/ip-down.shpp 1.13 ComponentId: lib/misc/ip-up.shpp 1.14 d54 4 @ 1.78 log @Release 1.3.5 (Sun Sep 6 17:11:51 BST 1998) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.3.5 d3 1 a3 1 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.18 d6 20 a25 20 ComponentId: bin/getmsg.c 1.2 ComponentId: bin/patchlevel.c 1.3 ComponentId: bin/patchlevel.h 1.4 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.shpp 1.40 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.c 1.17 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.h 1.10 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_cfg.c 1.9 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_cfg.h 1.7 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_ipc.c 1.9 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_ipc.h 1.5 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_mhf.c 1.17 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_mhf.h 1.2 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_msgids.c 1.6 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_msgids.h 1.5 ComponentId: bin/sndmsg.c 1.17 ComponentId: bin/utils.c 1.8 ComponentId: bin/utils.h 1.7 ComponentId: bin/utils.sh.shpp 1.4 ComponentId: bin/xppplcc.shpp 1.2 ComponentId: doc/INSTALL.shpp 1.13 d27 2 a28 2 ComponentId: doc/README.1ST 1.1 ComponentId: doc/examples/Makefile 1.19 d31 2 a32 1 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplcd.conf.shpp 1.22 d40 2 a41 2 ComponentId: lib/mail/utils.sh.shpp 1.4 ComponentId: lib/misc/Makefile 1.1 d44 2 a45 1 ComponentId: lib/misc/ip-up.shpp 1.13 d50 1 a50 1 ComponentId: lib/misc/utils.sh.shpp 1.4 d53 3 a55 3 ComponentId: lib/news/Makefile 1.1 ComponentId: lib/news/news-suck.shpp 1.3 ComponentId: lib/news/utils.sh.shpp 1.4 d58 1 a58 1 ComponentId: man/ppplcc.1.shpp 1.5 d61 1 a61 1 ComponentId: man/sndmsg.1.shpp 1.5 @ 1.77 log @Release 1.3.4 (Mon Aug 31 13:44:22 BST 1998) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.3.4 d9 1 a9 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.shpp 1.39 @ 1.76 log @Release 1.3.3 (Mon Aug 31 11:40:14 BST 1998) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.3.3 d5 1 a5 1 ComponentId: bin/dhuy.shpp 1.2 d10 2 a11 2 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.c 1.16 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.h 1.9 d16 4 a19 4 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_mhf.c 1.16 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_mhf.h 1.1 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_msgids.c 1.5 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_msgids.h 1.4 d41 1 a41 1 ComponentId: lib/misc/announce.shpp 1.13 @ 1.75 log @Release 1.3.2 (Sun Aug 30 23:04:38 BST 1998) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.3.2 d3 1 @ 1.74 log @Release 1.3.1 (Sun Aug 30 22:12:28 BST 1998) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.3.1 d19 1 a19 1 ComponentId: bin/sndmsg.c 1.16 @ 1.73 log @Release (Fri Aug 28 19:22:42 BST 1998) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: d8 1 a8 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.shpp 1.37 d15 1 a15 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_mhf.c 1.14 d24 1 a24 1 ComponentId: doc/INSTALL.shpp 1.12 d46 1 a46 1 ComponentId: lib/misc/usecnt.shpp 1.4 a58 1 ComponentId: support/shinstall 1.3 @ 1.72 log @Release (Mon Mar 2 12:49:38 GMT 1998) @ text @d1 5 a5 4 ReleaseId: ComponentId: Makefile 1.40 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.16 ComponentId: bin/Makefile 1.17 d8 18 a25 16 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.in 1.33 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.c 1.12 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.h 1.6 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_cfg.c 1.7 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_cfg.h 1.5 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_ipc.c 1.5 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_ipc.h 1.3 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_mhf.c 1.10 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_msgids.c 1.2 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_msgids.h 1.2 ComponentId: bin/sndmsg.c 1.13 ComponentId: bin/utils.c 1.7 ComponentId: bin/utils.h 1.6 ComponentId: bin/xppplcc.in 1.5 ComponentId: doc/INSTALL.in 1.9 ComponentId: doc/Makefile 1.11 d27 33 a59 21 ComponentId: doc/examples/Makefile 1.18 ComponentId: doc/examples/local-ppplc.in 1.11 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplc.cfg.in 1.14 ComponentId: lib/Makefile 1.22 ComponentId: lib/announce 1.9 ComponentId: lib/courier.cfg 1.3 ComponentId: lib/demon.cfg 1.3 ComponentId: lib/getmail-sendmail.in 1.5 ComponentId: lib/getnews-slurp.in 1.13 ComponentId: lib/getnews-suck.in 1.2 ComponentId: lib/ip-down.in 1.11 ComponentId: lib/ip-up.in 1.11 ComponentId: lib/qtest 1.7 ComponentId: lib/sndmail-sendmail.in 1.5 ComponentId: lib/sndnews-nntpxmit.in 1.9 ComponentId: lib/sndnews-suck.in 1.1 ComponentId: man/Makefile 1.3 ComponentId: man/ppplc.cfg.5.in 1.4 ComponentId: man/ppplcc.1.in 1.3 ComponentId: man/ppplcd.8 1.2 ComponentId: man/sndmsg.8.in 1.3 @ 1.71 log @Release (Mon Mar 2 12:21:37 GMT 1998) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: ComponentId: Makefile 1.39 @ 1.70 log @Release 1.2.1 (Sun Mar 1 22:40:49 GMT 1998) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.2.1 d24 1 a24 1 ComponentId: doc/examples/Makefile 1.17 @ 1.69 log @Release 1.2.0-a (Sun Mar 1 15:26:13 GMT 1998) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.2.0-a d3 2 a4 1 ComponentId: bin/Makefile 1.16 d7 2 a8 2 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.in 1.32 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.c 1.11 d27 1 a27 1 ComponentId: lib/Makefile 1.21 d32 5 a36 5 ComponentId: lib/getnews-slurp.in 1.12 ComponentId: lib/getnews-suck.in 1.1 ComponentId: lib/ip-down.in 1.10 ComponentId: lib/ip-up.in 1.10 ComponentId: lib/qtest 1.6 d40 2 a41 2 ComponentId: man/Makefile 1.2 ComponentId: man/ppplc.cfg.5 1.3 d44 1 a44 1 ComponentId: man/sndmsg.8 1.2 @ 1.68 log @Release 1.1.3 (Thu Feb 5 12:27:51 GMT 1998) @ text @d1 3 a3 4 ReleaseId: 1.1.3 ComponentId: Makefile 1.38 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.12 ComponentId: bin/Makefile 1.14 d6 1 a6 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.in 1.30 d16 1 a16 1 ComponentId: bin/sndmsg.c 1.12 d19 8 a26 7 ComponentId: bin/xppplcc.in 1.4 ComponentId: doc/Makefile 1.10 ComponentId: doc/README.in 1.6 ComponentId: doc/examples/Makefile 1.15 ComponentId: doc/examples/local-ppplc.in 1.10 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplc.cfg.in 1.13 ComponentId: lib/Makefile 1.20 d30 3 a32 2 ComponentId: lib/getmail.in 1.5 ComponentId: lib/getnews.in 1.12 d36 8 a43 3 ComponentId: lib/sndmail.in 1.5 ComponentId: lib/sndnews.in 1.9 ComponentId: man/Makefile 1.1 @ 1.67 log @Release 1.1.2 (Mon Nov 24 16:05:56 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 4 a4 4 ReleaseId: 1.1.2 ComponentId: Makefile 1.37 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.11 ComponentId: bin/Makefile 1.13 d7 1 a7 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.in 1.28 d30 4 a33 4 ComponentId: lib/getmail.in 1.4 ComponentId: lib/getnews.in 1.11 ComponentId: lib/ip-down.in 1.9 ComponentId: lib/ip-up.in 1.9 d35 2 a36 2 ComponentId: lib/sndmail.in 1.4 ComponentId: lib/sndnews.in 1.8 @ 1.66 log @Release 1.1.1 (Tue Nov 11 14:07:44 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.1.1 d3 1 a3 1 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.10 d7 1 a7 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.in 1.27 d21 2 a22 2 ComponentId: doc/Makefile 1.8 ComponentId: doc/README.in 1.4 d25 1 a25 1 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplc.cfg.in 1.12 d27 1 a27 1 ComponentId: lib/announce 1.8 @ 1.65 log @Release 1.1.0 (Tue Nov 11 12:21:17 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.1.0 d25 1 a25 1 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplc.cfg.in 1.11 d27 1 a27 1 ComponentId: lib/announce 1.7 @ 1.64 log @Release 1.0.12 (Sun Oct 26 20:56:10 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.0.12 d3 2 a4 2 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.8 ComponentId: bin/Makefile 1.12 d7 4 a10 4 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.in 1.26 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.c 1.10 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd.h 1.5 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_cfg.c 1.6 d12 1 a12 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_ipc.c 1.4 d14 1 a14 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_mhf.c 1.9 d17 3 a19 3 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_utils.c 1.6 ComponentId: bin/ppplcd_utils.h 1.5 ComponentId: bin/sndmsg.c 1.11 d21 6 a26 6 ComponentId: doc/Makefile 1.7 ComponentId: doc/README.in 1.3 ComponentId: doc/examples/Makefile 1.14 ComponentId: doc/examples/local-ppplc.in 1.9 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplc.cfg.in 1.10 ComponentId: lib/Makefile 1.19 d30 4 a33 4 ComponentId: lib/getmail 1.3 ComponentId: lib/getnews.in 1.10 ComponentId: lib/ip-down.in 1.8 ComponentId: lib/ip-up.in 1.8 d35 2 a36 2 ComponentId: lib/sndmail 1.3 ComponentId: lib/sndnews.in 1.7 @ 1.63 log @Release 1.0.11 (Sun Oct 26 20:16:09 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 4 a4 4 ReleaseId: 1.0.11 ComponentId: Makefile 1.36 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.7 ComponentId: bin/Makefile 1.11 d7 1 a7 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.in 1.25 d21 4 a24 4 ComponentId: doc/Makefile 1.6 ComponentId: doc/README.in 1.2 ComponentId: doc/examples/Makefile 1.13 ComponentId: doc/examples/local-ppplc.in 1.8 @ 1.62 log @Release 1.0.10 (Sun Oct 26 19:04:04 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.0.10 d21 3 a23 5 ComponentId: doc/Makefile 1.5 ComponentId: doc/README 1.1 ComponentId: doc/examples/Makefile 1.12 ComponentId: doc/examples/ip-down.in 1.8 ComponentId: doc/examples/ip-up.in 1.8 d25 2 a26 2 ComponentId: doc/examples/ppplc.cfg.in 1.9 ComponentId: lib/Makefile 1.18 d31 3 a33 1 ComponentId: lib/getnews.in 1.9 @ 1.61 log @Release 1.0.9 (Sun Oct 26 18:56:40 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.0.9 d23 1 @ 1.60 log @Release 1.0.8 (Sun Oct 26 17:48:06 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 1.0.8 ComponentId: Makefile 1.35 d4 1 a4 1 ComponentId: bin/Makefile 1.10 d7 1 a7 1 ComponentId: bin/ppplcc.in 1.24 d20 3 a22 2 ComponentId: bin/xppplcc.in 1.3 ComponentId: doc/Makefile 1.4 d25 2 a26 2 ComponentId: doc/examples/local-ppplc.in 1.7 ComponentId: doc/examples/master.cfg.in 1.8 d32 1 a32 1 ComponentId: lib/getnews.in 1.8 d35 2 a36 1 ComponentId: lib/sndnews.in 1.6 @ 1.59 log @Release 1.0.7 (Sun Oct 26 14:34:18 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 34 a34 39 ReleaseId: 1.0.7 ComponentId: Makefile 1.34 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.6 ComponentId: cfg-examples/Makefile 1.9 ComponentId: cfg-examples/master.cfg.in 1.7 ComponentId: cfg/Makefile 1.9 ComponentId: cfg/isps/demon.cfg 1.3 ComponentId: cfg/modems/courier.cfg 1.3 ComponentId: doc/Makefile 1.3 ComponentId: init/Makefile 1.11 ComponentId: init/local-ppplc.in 1.6 ComponentId: pppd/Makefile 1.11 ComponentId: pppd/ip-down.in 1.7 ComponentId: pppd/ip-up.in 1.7 ComponentId: scr-examples/Makefile 1.6 ComponentId: scr-examples/getmail 1.3 ComponentId: scr-examples/getnews.in 1.8 ComponentId: scr-examples/sndmail 1.3 ComponentId: scr-examples/sndnews.in 1.6 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.17 ComponentId: scr/announce 1.7 ComponentId: scr/ppplcc.in 1.23 ComponentId: scr/qtest 1.6 ComponentId: scr/xppplcc.in 1.3 ComponentId: src/Makefile 1.9 ComponentId: src/patchlevel.c 1.3 ComponentId: src/patchlevel.h 1.4 ComponentId: src/ppplcd.c 1.10 ComponentId: src/ppplcd.h 1.5 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_cfg.c 1.6 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_cfg.h 1.5 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_ipc.c 1.4 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_ipc.h 1.3 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_mhf.c 1.9 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_msgids.c 1.2 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_msgids.h 1.2 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_utils.c 1.6 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_utils.h 1.5 ComponentId: src/sndmsg.c 1.11 @ 1.58 log @Release 1.0.6 (Sun Oct 26 12:13:43 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 3 a3 3 ReleaseId: 1.0.6 ComponentId: Makefile 1.33 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.5 d10 1 a10 1 ComponentId: init/Makefile 1.10 d12 1 a12 1 ComponentId: pppd/Makefile 1.10 d20 1 a20 1 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.16 d22 1 a22 1 ComponentId: scr/ppplcc.in 1.22 @ 1.57 log @stamped for release 1.0.6 @ text @d1 39 a39 39 ReleaseId: 1.0.5 ComponentId: Makefile 1.32 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.4 ComponentId: cfg-examples/Makefile 1.8 ComponentId: cfg-examples/master.cfg.in 1.6 ComponentId: cfg/Makefile 1.8 ComponentId: cfg/isps/demon.cfg 1.2 ComponentId: cfg/modems/courier.cfg 1.2 ComponentId: doc/Makefile 1.2 ComponentId: init/Makefile 1.9 ComponentId: init/local-ppplc.in 1.5 ComponentId: pppd/Makefile 1.8 ComponentId: pppd/ip-down.in 1.6 ComponentId: pppd/ip-up.in 1.6 ComponentId: scr-examples/Makefile 1.5 ComponentId: scr-examples/getmail 1.2 ComponentId: scr-examples/getnews.in 1.7 ComponentId: scr-examples/sndmail 1.2 ComponentId: scr-examples/sndnews.in 1.5 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.15 ComponentId: scr/announce 1.6 ComponentId: scr/ppplcc.in 1.21 ComponentId: scr/qtest 1.5 ComponentId: scr/xppplcc.in 1.2 ComponentId: src/Makefile 1.8 ComponentId: src/patchlevel.c 1.2 ComponentId: src/patchlevel.h 1.3 ComponentId: src/ppplcd.c 1.9 ComponentId: src/ppplcd.h 1.4 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_cfg.c 1.5 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_cfg.h 1.4 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_ipc.c 1.3 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_ipc.h 1.2 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_mhf.c 1.8 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_msgids.c 1.1 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_msgids.h 1.1 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_utils.c 1.5 ComponentId: src/ppplcd_utils.h 1.4 ComponentId: src/sndmsg.c 1.10 @ 1.56 log @Release 1.0.5 (Sun Oct 26 12:02:51 GMT 1997) @ text @@ 1.55 log @Release 1.0.4 (Sun Oct 26 11:15:58 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 1.0.4 ComponentId: Makefile 1.31 d6 1 a6 1 ComponentId: cfg/Makefile 1.7 d20 1 a20 1 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.14 @ 1.54 log @Release 1.0.3 (Sun Oct 26 10:48:00 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 1.0.3 ComponentId: Makefile 1.30 @ 1.53 log @Release 1.0.2 (Sun Oct 26 10:44:20 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 1.0.2 ComponentId: Makefile 1.29 @ 1.52 log @Release 1.0.1 (Sun Oct 26 10:16:16 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 1.0.1 d12 3 a14 3 ComponentId: pppd/Makefile 1.7 ComponentId: pppd/ip-down 1.5 ComponentId: pppd/ip-up 1.5 d20 1 a20 1 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.13 d22 1 a22 1 ComponentId: scr/ppplcc.in 1.20 @ 1.51 log @Release 1.0.0 (Thu Oct 23 00:01:23 BST 1997) @ text @d1 6 a6 6 ReleaseId: 1.0.0 ComponentId: Makefile 1.28 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.3 ComponentId: cfg-examples/Makefile 1.7 ComponentId: cfg-examples/master.cfg 1.5 ComponentId: cfg/Makefile 1.6 d10 3 a12 3 ComponentId: init/Makefile 1.8 ComponentId: init/local-ppplc.in 1.4 ComponentId: pppd/Makefile 1.6 d15 1 a15 1 ComponentId: scr-examples/Makefile 1.4 d17 1 a17 1 ComponentId: scr-examples/getnews 1.6 d19 2 a20 2 ComponentId: scr-examples/sndnews 1.4 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.12 d22 1 a22 1 ComponentId: scr/ppplcc.in 1.19 d24 2 a25 2 ComponentId: scr/xppplcc.in 1.1 ComponentId: src/Makefile 1.7 @ 1.50 log @Release 0.0.130 (Wed Oct 22 23:25:13 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.130 d20 1 a20 1 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.11 d22 1 a22 1 ComponentId: scr/ppplcc.in 1.18 @ 1.49 log @Release 0.0.129 (Wed Oct 22 23:10:33 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.129 d5 1 a5 1 ComponentId: cfg-examples/master.cfg 1.4 d22 1 a22 1 ComponentId: scr/ppplcc.in 1.17 @ 1.48 log @Release 0.0.128 (Wed Oct 22 19:35:27 BST 1997) @ text @d1 3 a3 3 ReleaseId: 0.0.128 ComponentId: Makefile 1.26 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.2 d20 1 a20 1 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.9 d24 1 @ 1.47 log @Release 0.0.127 (Wed Oct 22 19:31:47 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.127 d11 1 a11 1 ComponentId: init/local-ppplc.in 1.3 @ 1.46 log @Release 0.0.126 (Wed Oct 22 19:18:16 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.126 d11 1 a11 1 ComponentId: init/local-ppplc.in 1.2 @ 1.45 log @Release 0.0.125 (Wed Oct 22 19:06:27 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.125 d10 1 a10 1 ComponentId: init/Makefile 1.7 @ 1.44 log @Release 0.0.124 (Wed Oct 22 18:57:40 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.124 d20 1 a20 1 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.8 @ 1.43 log @Release 0.0.123 (Wed Oct 22 18:43:48 BST 1997) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 0.0.123 ComponentId: Makefile 1.25 d4 1 a4 1 ComponentId: cfg-examples/Makefile 1.6 d20 1 a20 1 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.7 @ 1.42 log @Release 0.0.122 (Wed Oct 22 18:35:20 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.122 d4 1 a4 1 ComponentId: cfg-examples/Makefile 1.5 d6 1 a6 1 ComponentId: cfg/Makefile 1.5 d12 1 a12 1 ComponentId: pppd/Makefile 1.5 d20 1 a20 1 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.6 @ 1.41 log @Release 0.0.121 (Wed Oct 22 18:33:04 BST 1997) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 0.0.121 ComponentId: Makefile 1.24 @ 1.40 log @Release 0.0.120 (Wed Oct 22 17:39:07 BST 1997) @ text @d1 4 a4 4 ReleaseId: 0.0.120 ComponentId: Makefile 1.23 ComponentId: Makefile.defs 1.1 ComponentId: cfg-examples/Makefile 1.4 d6 1 a6 1 ComponentId: cfg/Makefile 1.4 d10 1 a10 1 ComponentId: init/Makefile 1.6 d12 1 a12 1 ComponentId: pppd/Makefile 1.4 d15 1 a15 1 ComponentId: scr-examples/Makefile 1.3 d20 1 a20 1 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.5 d24 1 a24 1 ComponentId: src/Makefile 1.6 @ 1.39 log @Release 0.0.119 (Wed Oct 22 17:29:54 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.119 d20 1 a20 1 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.4 d38 1 a38 1 ComponentId: src/sndmsg.c 1.9 @ 1.38 log @Release 0.0.118 (Wed Oct 22 15:38:32 BST 1997) @ text @d1 4 a4 3 ReleaseId: 0.0.118 ComponentId: Makefile 1.22 ComponentId: cfg-examples/Makefile 1.3 d6 1 a6 1 ComponentId: cfg/Makefile 1.3 d9 4 a12 4 ComponentId: doc/Makefile 1.1 ComponentId: init/Makefile 1.5 ComponentId: init/local-ppplc.in 1.1 ComponentId: pppd/Makefile 1.3 d15 1 a15 1 ComponentId: scr-examples/Makefile 1.2 d20 1 a20 1 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.3 d22 1 a22 1 ComponentId: scr/ppplcc 1.15 d24 1 a24 1 ComponentId: src/Makefile 1.5 @ 1.37 log @Release 0.0.117 (Wed Oct 22 15:26:11 BST 1997) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 0.0.117 ComponentId: Makefile 1.21 @ 1.36 log @Release 0.0.116 (Wed Oct 22 14:59:22 BST 1997) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 0.0.116 ComponentId: Makefile 1.19 @ 1.35 log @Release 0.0.115 (Wed Oct 22 14:53:50 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.115 d35 1 @ 1.34 log @Release 0.0.113 (Wed Oct 22 14:37:32 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.113 d9 1 a9 1 ComponentId: init/Makefile 1.4 d23 1 a23 1 ComponentId: src/Makefile 1.4 @ 1.33 log @Release 0.0.112 (Wed Oct 22 14:35:06 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.112 d9 1 a9 1 ComponentId: init/Makefile 1.3 @ 1.32 log @Release 0.0.111 (Wed Oct 22 14:28:15 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.111 d3 1 a3 1 ComponentId: cfg-examples/Makefile 1.2 d5 1 a5 1 ComponentId: cfg/Makefile 1.2 d9 1 a9 1 ComponentId: init/Makefile 1.2 d11 1 a11 1 ComponentId: pppd/Makefile 1.2 d14 1 a14 1 ComponentId: scr-examples/Makefile 1.1 d19 1 a19 1 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.2 d23 1 a23 1 ComponentId: src/Makefile 1.3 @ 1.31 log @Release 0.0.110 (Wed Oct 22 14:04:40 BST 1997) @ text @d1 3 a3 3 ReleaseId: 0.0.110 ComponentId: Makefile 1.18 ComponentId: cfg-examples/Makefile 1.1 d5 1 a5 1 ComponentId: cfg/Makefile 1.1 d9 3 a11 3 ComponentId: init/Makefile 1.1 ComponentId: init/local-ppplc 1.1 ComponentId: pppd/Makefile 1.1 d19 1 a19 1 ComponentId: scr/Makefile 1.1 d23 1 a23 1 ComponentId: src/Makefile 1.2 @ 1.30 log @Release 0.0.109 (Wed Oct 22 13:55:18 BST 1997) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 0.0.109 ComponentId: Makefile 1.17 @ 1.29 log @Release 0.0.108 (Wed Oct 22 13:53:00 BST 1997) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 0.0.108 ComponentId: Makefile 1.16 @ 1.28 log @Release 0.0.107 (Wed Oct 22 13:14:55 BST 1997) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 0.0.107 ComponentId: Makefile 1.14 d9 2 d23 1 a23 1 ComponentId: src/Makefile 1.1 @ 1.27 log @Release 0.0.106 (Mon Oct 20 19:09:55 BST 1997) @ text @d1 34 a34 27 ReleaseId: 0.0.106 ComponentId: Makefile 1.13 ComponentId: announce 1.6 ComponentId: examples/getmail 1.2 ComponentId: examples/getnews 1.6 ComponentId: examples/master.cfg 1.4 ComponentId: examples/sndmail 1.2 ComponentId: examples/sndnews 1.4 ComponentId: ip-down 1.5 ComponentId: ip-up 1.5 ComponentId: isps/demon.cfg 1.2 ComponentId: modems/courier.cfg 1.2 ComponentId: patchlevel.c 1.2 ComponentId: patchlevel.h 1.3 ComponentId: ppplcc 1.15 ComponentId: ppplcd.c 1.9 ComponentId: ppplcd.h 1.4 ComponentId: ppplcd_cfg.c 1.5 ComponentId: ppplcd_cfg.h 1.4 ComponentId: ppplcd_ipc.c 1.3 ComponentId: ppplcd_ipc.h 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd_mhf.c 1.8 ComponentId: ppplcd_msgids.c 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd_msgids.h 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd_utils.h 1.4 ComponentId: qtest 1.5 ComponentId: sndmsg.c 1.9 @ 1.26 log @Release 0.0.105 (Mon Oct 20 18:30:58 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.105 d3 1 a3 1 ComponentId: announce 1.5 d6 1 a6 1 ComponentId: examples/master.cfg 1.3 d9 2 a10 2 ComponentId: ip-down 1.4 ComponentId: ip-up 1.4 d15 1 a15 1 ComponentId: ppplcc 1.14 d26 1 a26 1 ComponentId: qtest 1.4 @ 1.25 log @Release 0.0.104 (Mon Oct 20 18:21:43 BST 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.104 d16 1 a16 1 ComponentId: ppplcd.c 1.8 @ 1.24 log @Release 0.0.103 (Mon Oct 20 18:06:16 BST 1997) @ text @d1 2 a2 2 ReleaseId: 0.0.103 ComponentId: Makefile 1.12 @ 1.23 log @Release 0.0.102 (Mon Sep 22 19:03:08 BST 1997) @ text @d1 2 a2 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.102 d4 5 a8 4 ComponentId: getmail 1.2 ComponentId: getnews 1.6 ComponentId: sndmail 1.2 ComponentId: sndnews 1.4 d11 2 d16 1 a16 1 ComponentId: ppplcd.c 1.7 d18 2 a19 1 ComponentId: ppplcd_cfg.c 1.4 d25 1 a25 2 ComponentId: ppplcd_utils.c 1.4 ComponentId: ppplcd_utils.h 1.3 d27 1 a27 1 ComponentId: sndmsg.c 1.8 @ 1.22 log @Release 0.0.101 (Thu Mar 6 13:09:01 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.101 d12 1 a12 1 ComponentId: ppplcd.c 1.6 d20 2 a21 2 ComponentId: ppplcd_utils.c 1.3 ComponentId: ppplcd_utils.h 1.2 d23 1 a23 1 ComponentId: sndmsg.c 1.7 @ 1.21 log @Release 0.0.100 (Thu Mar 6 10:45:24 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.100 d17 1 a17 1 ComponentId: ppplcd_mhf.c 1.7 @ 1.20 log @Release 0.0.99 (Tue Feb 25 18:52:48 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.99 d11 1 a11 1 ComponentId: ppplcc 1.13 @ 1.19 log @Release 0.0.98 (Tue Feb 25 17:58:25 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.98 d11 1 a11 1 ComponentId: ppplcc 1.12 @ 1.18 log @Release (Fri Feb 21 18:06:00 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 23 a23 23 ReleaseId: 0.0.97 ComponentId: announce announce 1.5 ComponentId: getmail getmail 1.2 ComponentId: getnews getnews 1.6 ComponentId: ip-down ip-down 1.3 ComponentId: ip-up ip-up 1.3 ComponentId: patchlevel.c patchlevel.c 1.2 ComponentId: patchlevel.h patchlevel.h 1.3 ComponentId: ppplcc ppplcc 1.12 ComponentId: ppplcd.c ppplcd.c 1.6 ComponentId: ppplcd.h ppplcd.h 1.4 ComponentId: ppplcd_cfg.c ppplcd_cfg.c 1.3 ComponentId: ppplcd_ipc.c ppplcd_ipc.c 1.3 ComponentId: ppplcd_ipc.h ppplcd_ipc.h 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd_mhf.c ppplcd_mhf.c 1.6 ComponentId: ppplcd_msgids.c ppplcd_msgids.c 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd_msgids.h ppplcd_msgids.h 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd_utils.c ppplcd_utils.c 1.3 ComponentId: ppplcd_utils.h ppplcd_utils.h 1.2 ComponentId: qtest qtest 1.4 ComponentId: sndmail sndmail 1.2 ComponentId: sndmsg.c sndmsg.c 1.7 ComponentId: sndnews sndnews 1.4 @ 1.17 log @Release (Fri Feb 21 17:20:39 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.96 d9 1 a9 1 ComponentId: ppplcc ppplcc 1.11 @ 1.16 log @Release (Fri Feb 21 17:14:39 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 23 a23 73 ReleaseId: dfhhgf getnews: ERROR: empty lockfile: /var/run/getnews.pid  PPP LINK CONTROL CLIENT  COMMANDS C) connect! D) disconnect! ns) news send now! ms) mail send now! ng) news get now! mg) mail receive now! s) start ppp link control daemon! k) kill ppp link control daemon! H) help! Q) quit this program! FLAGS AND VARIABLES DN) disable news retrieval en) enable news retrieval(*) DQ) disable quality checking eq) enable quality checking(*) dt) disable timeouts et) enable timeouts(*) dr) disable redial on remote hangup(*) er) enable redial on remote hangup sm) set minimum quality for link si) set interval for quality checks st) set timeout for idle check sd) set debug level INFORMATION AND MISCELLANEOUS COMMANDS iv) info on versions if) info on flags, vars & states im) info on messages ii) info on IPC message queues lc) load config files now! gc) generate chat file now! mm) message manually !) shell escape Select, or press ENTER to redraw the screen: Unrecognised, choose again ...  PPP LINK CONTROL CLIENT  COMMANDS C) connect! D) disconnect! ns) news send now! ms) mail send now! ng) news get now! mg) mail receive now! s) start ppp link control daemon! k) kill ppp link control daemon! H) help! Q) quit this program! FLAGS AND VARIABLES DN) disable news retrieval en) enable news retrieval(*) DQ) disable quality checking eq) enable quality checking(*) dt) disable timeouts et) enable timeouts(*) dr) disable redial on remote hangup(*) er) enable redial on remote hangup sm) set minimum quality for link si) set interval for quality checks st) set timeout for idle check sd) set debug level INFORMATION AND MISCELLANEOUS COMMANDS iv) info on versions if) info on flags, vars & states im) info on messages ii) info on IPC message queues lc) load config files now! gc) generate chat file now! mm) message manually !) shell escape Select, or press ENTER to redraw the screen:  PPP LINK CONTROL CLIENT  COMMANDS C) connect! D) disconnect! ns) news send now! ms) mail send now! ng) news get now! mg) mail receive now! s) start ppp link control daemon! k) kill ppp link control daemon! H) help! Q) quit this program! FLAGS AND VARIABLES DN) disable news retrieval en) enable news retrieval(*) DQ) disable quality checking eq) enable quality checking(*) dt) disable timeouts et) enable timeouts(*) dr) disable redial on remote hangup(*) er) enable redial on remote hangup sm) set minimum quality for link si) set interval for quality checks st) set timeout for idle check sd) set debug level INFORMATION AND MISCELLANEOUS COMMANDS iv) info on versions if) info on flags, vars & states im) info on messages ii) info on IPC message queues lc) load config files now! gc) generate chat file now! mm) message manually !) shell escape Select, or press ENTER to redraw the screen: qtest: running, host=, minq=50 @ 1.15 log @Release (Sun Feb 16 14:46:38 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 73 a73 31 ReleaseId: 0.0.95 ComponentId: announce announce 1.5 ComponentId: getmail getmail 1.2 ComponentId: getnews getnews 1.6 ComponentId: ip-down ip-down 1.3 ComponentId: ip-up ip-up 1.3 ComponentId: ppplcc ppplcc 1.9 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd.c 1.5 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_msgids.h 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_utils.h 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_ipc.h 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd.h 1.3 ComponentId: ppplcd patchlevel.h 1.3 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_msgids.c 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_ipc.c 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_utils.c 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_cfg.c 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_mhf.c 1.5 ComponentId: ppplcd patchlevel.c 1.2 ComponentId: qtest qtest 1.4 ComponentId: sndmail sndmail 1.2 ComponentId: sndmsg sndmsg.c 1.6 ComponentId: sndmsg ppplcd_utils.h 1.2 ComponentId: sndmsg ppplcd_msgids.h 1.1 ComponentId: sndmsg ppplcd_ipc.h 1.1 ComponentId: sndmsg patchlevel.h 1.3 ComponentId: sndmsg ppplcd_ipc.c 1.2 ComponentId: sndmsg ppplcd_msgids.c 1.1 ComponentId: sndmsg ppplcd_utils.c 1.2 ComponentId: sndmsg patchlevel.c 1.2 ComponentId: sndnews sndnews 1.4 @ 1.14 log @Release (Sun Feb 16 13:38:24 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.94 d8 1 a8 1 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd.c 1.4 d12 1 a12 1 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd.h 1.2 d18 1 a18 1 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_mhf.c 1.3 d22 1 a22 1 ComponentId: sndmsg sndmsg.c 1.5 @ 1.13 log @Release (Sun Feb 16 13:07:11 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.93 d7 1 a7 1 ComponentId: ppplcc ppplcc 1.8 @ 1.12 log @Release (Sun Feb 16 12:53:03 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.92 d7 1 a7 1 ComponentId: ppplcc ppplcc 1.7 @ 1.11 log @Release (Sun Feb 16 12:41:22 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.91 d7 1 @ 1.10 log @Release (Sun Feb 16 12:10:22 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.9 d7 1 a7 1 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd.c 1.3 @ 1.9 log @Release 0.0.8 (Sat Feb 15 12:06:17 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.8 a6 3 ComponentId: ppplcc ppplcc 1.7 ComponentId: ppplcd patchlevel.c 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd patchlevel.h 1.3 d8 3 d12 4 a16 2 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_ipc.c 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_ipc.h 1.1 d18 1 a18 4 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_msgids.c 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_msgids.h 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_utils.c 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd ppplcd_utils.h 1.2 d21 4 a24 1 ComponentId: sndmsg patchlevel.c 1.2 a26 1 ComponentId: sndmsg ppplcd_ipc.h 1.1 a27 1 ComponentId: sndmsg ppplcd_msgids.h 1.1 d29 1 a29 2 ComponentId: sndmsg ppplcd_utils.h 1.2 ComponentId: sndmsg sndmsg.c 1.5 @ 1.8 log @Release 0.0.7 (Sat Feb 15 12:05:00 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 31 a31 31 ReleaseId: 0.0.7 ComponentId: $FILE announce 1.5 ComponentId: $FILE getmail 1.2 ComponentId: $FILE getnews 1.6 ComponentId: $FILE ip-down 1.3 ComponentId: $FILE ip-up 1.3 ComponentId: $FILE patchlevel.c 1.2 ComponentId: $FILE patchlevel.c 1.2 ComponentId: $FILE patchlevel.h 1.3 ComponentId: $FILE patchlevel.h 1.3 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcc 1.7 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd.c 1.3 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd.h 1.2 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_cfg.c 1.2 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_ipc.c 1.2 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_ipc.c 1.2 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_ipc.h 1.1 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_ipc.h 1.1 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_mhf.c 1.3 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_msgids.c 1.1 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_msgids.c 1.1 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_msgids.h 1.1 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_msgids.h 1.1 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_utils.c 1.2 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_utils.c 1.2 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_utils.h 1.2 ComponentId: $FILE ppplcd_utils.h 1.2 ComponentId: $FILE qtest 1.4 ComponentId: $FILE sndmail 1.2 ComponentId: $FILE sndmsg.c 1.5 ComponentId: $FILE sndnews 1.4 @ 1.7 log @Release 0.0.6 (Sat Feb 15 11:58:46 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 31 a31 31 ReleaseId: 0.0.6 ComponentId: announce 1.5 ComponentId: getmail 1.2 ComponentId: getnews 1.6 ComponentId: ip-down 1.3 ComponentId: ip-up 1.3 ComponentId: patchlevel.c 1.2 ComponentId: patchlevel.c 1.2 ComponentId: patchlevel.h 1.3 ComponentId: patchlevel.h 1.3 ComponentId: ppplcc 1.7 ComponentId: ppplcd.c 1.3 ComponentId: ppplcd.h 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd_cfg.c 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd_ipc.c 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd_ipc.c 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd_ipc.h 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd_ipc.h 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd_mhf.c 1.3 ComponentId: ppplcd_msgids.c 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd_msgids.c 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd_msgids.h 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd_msgids.h 1.1 ComponentId: ppplcd_utils.c 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd_utils.c 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd_utils.h 1.2 ComponentId: ppplcd_utils.h 1.2 ComponentId: qtest 1.4 ComponentId: sndmail 1.2 ComponentId: sndmsg.c 1.5 ComponentId: sndnews 1.4 @ 1.6 log @Release 0.0.5 (Sat Feb 15 11:55:31 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.5 d12 2 d15 9 d26 2 d30 1 @ 1.5 log @Release 0.0.4 (Sat Feb 15 11:50:57 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 17 a17 47 ReleaseId: 0.0.4 ComponentId: $Id: announce,v 1.5 1997/02/15 11:41:10 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: getmail,v 1.2 1997/02/15 11:41:27 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: getnews,v 1.6 1997/02/15 11:39:19 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ip-down,v 1.3 1997/02/15 11:42:23 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ip-up,v 1.3 1997/02/15 11:42:23 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: patchlevel.c,v 1.2 1997/02/01 21:51:41 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: patchlevel.c,v 1.2 1997/02/01 21:51:41 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: patchlevel.h,v 1.3 1997/02/01 21:51:41 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: patchlevel.h,v 1.3 1997/02/01 21:51:41 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcc,v 1.7 1997/02/15 11:31:02 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd.c,v 1.3 1997/02/15 11:12:52 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd.h,v 1.2 1997/02/09 16:00:50 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_cfg.c,v 1.2 1997/02/09 16:00:50 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_ipc.c,v 1.2 1997/02/09 16:00:50 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_ipc.c,v 1.2 1997/02/09 16:00:50 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_ipc.h,v 1.1 1997/02/01 21:52:17 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_ipc.h,v 1.1 1997/02/01 21:52:17 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_mhf.c,v 1.3 1997/02/15 11:15:55 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_msgids.c,v 1.1 1997/02/01 21:52:17 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_msgids.c,v 1.1 1997/02/01 21:52:17 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_msgids.h,v 1.1 1997/02/01 21:52:17 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_msgids.h,v 1.1 1997/02/01 21:52:17 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_utils.c,v 1.2 1997/02/09 16:00:50 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_utils.c,v 1.2 1997/02/09 16:00:50 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_utils.h,v 1.2 1997/02/09 16:00:50 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: ppplcd_utils.h,v 1.2 1997/02/09 16:00:50 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: qtest,v 1.4 1997/02/15 11:32:26 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: sndmail,v 1.2 1997/02/15 11:40:05 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: sndmsg.c,v 1.5 1997/02/09 16:00:50 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $Id: sndnews,v 1.4 1997/02/15 11:38:05 alexis Exp $ ComponentId: $PROGNAME: ERROR: $ ComponentId: $PROGNAME: INFO: $ ComponentId: $PROGNAME: INFO: version $ ComponentId: $PROGNAME: WARNING: $ ComponentId: $PROGNAME: quality $ ComponentId: announce: ComponentId: getmail: ComponentId: getnews: ComponentId: ip-down: ComponentId: ip-up: ComponentId: ppplcc: ComponentId: ppplcd: ComponentId: qtest: ComponentId: sndmail: ComponentId: sndmsg: ComponentId: sndnews: @ 1.4 log @Release 0.0.3 (Sat Feb 15 11:48:51 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.3 @ 1.3 log @Release 0.0.2 (Sat Feb 15 11:46:20 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 ReleaseId: 0.0.2 @ 1.2 log @Release 0.0.1 (Sat Feb 15 11:42:55 GMT 1997) @ text @d1 47 a47 17 ReleaseId: 0.0.1 ComponentId: ppplcc 1.7 ComponentId: patchlevel.h 1.3 ppplcd_utils.c 1.2 ppplcd_cfg.c 1.2 patchlevel.c 1.2 ComponentId: qtest 1.4 ComponentId: sndnews 1.4 ComponentId: getnews 1.6 ComponentId: sndmail 1.2 ComponentId: getmail 1.2 ComponentId: announce 1.5 ComponentId: ip-up 1.3 ComponentId: ip-down 1.3 ComponentId: patchlevel.h 1.3 ppplcd_utils.c 1.2 patchlevel.c 1.2 @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d1 17 @