head 1.1; access; symbols; locks alexis:1.1; strict; comment @# @; 1.1 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @walks 'ls' listings @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # RCS version string $main::modvers{'thisprogram'} = "MARKER"; ($main::modvers{'thisprogram'} =~ /^M.*R$/) && ($main::modvers{'thisprogram'} = '$Id: lswalk,v 1.2 1996/11/02 11:32:38 alexis Exp alexis $') =~ s/^.*,v (\S+) .*$/$1/; # The name of this program ($main::main::progname = $0) =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+)/$1/; $main::localpl_dir = "/usr/local/lib/perl5"; $ENV{'FADLIBDIR'} && ($main::localpl_dir = $ENV{'FADLIBDIR'}); push(@@INC,split(/:/, $main::localpl_dir)); $main::localpl_dir = "/usr/local/lib/perl5"; require 'msgs.pl'; ($main::modvers{'msgs.pl'} ne "1.12") && (!$ENV{'IGNORELOCALPLVERS'}) && &msgs::error("configuration error: wrong version of msgs.pl"); require "zfiles.pl"; ($main::modvers{'zfiles.pl'} ne "1.13") && (!$ENV{'IGNORELOCALPLVERS'}) && &msgs::error("configuration error: wrong version of zfiles.pl"); $main::FLG_DEFAULT = 0x00; $main::FLG_LS_SHOW = 0x01; $main::FLG_RS_SEEK = 0x02; $main::FLG_ST_ROOT = 0x04; $main::FLG_LISTALL = 0x01; $main::FLG_LISTLONG = 0x02; $main::FLD_OFS = "o"; $main::FLD_DIR = "d"; # returns 0 if EOF not encountered. sub readrootdir { my($flags) = @@_; my($eofstat, $rootlsline, $savedofs); my($rootdir, $lsline, $nextdirls); # Move the the root directory listing $savedofs = tell(LS_HANDLE); seek(LS_HANDLE, 0, 0); # Keep the show status we received, but don't keep the # dirent 'cos we do it later in this func $eofstat = &readcurrdir($flags & $main::FLG_LS_SHOW); # We need to look at the next directories entry # in order to work out where we are. But are &msgs::debug(13, "readrootdir: flags=$flags"); if ($flags & $main::FLG_ST_ROOT) { if ($eofstat) { $main::directories{".",$main::FLD_OFS} = 0; &msgs::debug(9, "readrootdir: recording . 0"); $rootdir = "."; } else { # Can peek at next # Read over the blank line and save the offset so # that subsequent calls to readdir() will catch # their start points. $nextdirls = tell(LS_HANDLE); $lsline = ; $lsline =~ s/^(.*):\n/$1/; &msgs::debug(10, "readrootdir: lsline is $lsline (stripped dir entry)"); $rootdir = &dirname($lsline); &msgs::debug(9, "readrootdir: recording $rootdir 0"); $main::directories{$rootdir,$main::FLD_OFS} = 0; seek(LS_HANDLE, $nextdirls, 0); } } # If restoring seek position return 0 for eof not met (even if met) # otherwise return whether eof was met. if ($flags & $main::FLG_RS_SEEK) { seek(LS_HANDLE, $savedofs, 0); return(0, $rootdir); } else { return($eofstat, $rootdir); } } sub ratdir { my($srcdir) = @@_; my($dstdir, $dir, @@srcdirs); # Remove all double slashes $srcdir =~ s#/+#/#g; # Set dstdir to / or . and strip leading / $dstdir = ($srcdir =~ s/^\///) ? "/" : "."; # Split up directories which no longer have leading / @@srcdirs = split(/\//, $srcdir); # No look at all combinations of current directory and next component while ($dir = shift @@srcdirs) { if ($dir eq "..") { if ($dstdir =~ /^[^\/]+$/) { $dstdir = "."; } elsif ($dstdir =~ /^\/[^\/]+$/) { $dstdir = "/"; } elsif ($dstdir ne "." && $dstdir ne "/") { $dstdir =~ s/^(.*)\/[^\/]+$/$1/; } } elsif ($dir ne ".") { if ($dstdir eq ".") { $dstdir = $dir; } elsif ($dstdir eq "/") { $dstdir = "/$dir"; } else { $dstdir = "$dstdir/$dir"; } } } return($dstdir); } sub cmd_ls { my($currdir, @@args) = @@_; my($savedofs) = tell(LS_HANDLE); my($lsdir, $options, $dir, $arg, $letarg); &msgs::debug(12, "cmd_ls: sof"); # Process ls options while (@@args) { $arg = $args[0]; &msgs::debug(9, "cmd_ls: processing argument: $arg"); if ($arg =~ /^-(.*)/) { foreach $letarg (split(//, $1)) { if ($letarg eq "a") { $options |= $main::FLG_LISTALL; } elsif ($letarg eq "l") { $options |= $main::FLG_LISTLONG; } else { &message("ls: invalid option '$letarg'"); } } } else { &msgs::debug(9, "cmd_ls: end of options"); last; } # Do the shift at the end 'cos of the one case where # we don't want to do it. shift @@args; } &msgs::debug(12, "cmd_ls: about to go into dir loop"); if (@@args) { &msgs::debug(9, "directories supplied, processing"); while ($dir = shift @@args) { &msgs::debug(9, "in loop, first arg is $dir"); if ($dir =~ /^\// && $main::directories{$lsdir=&ratdir($dir), $main::FLD_OFS} eq "") { &message("$lsdir: no such directory"); } elsif ($dir =~ /^[^\/]/ && $main::directories{$lsdir=&ratdir("$currdir/$dir"), $main::FLD_OFS} eq "") { &message("$lsdir: no such directory"); } else { &msgs::debug(9, "after the ratdir we have $lsdir - now listinh"); &do_ls($lsdir, $options); } } } else { &msgs::debug(9, "using current directory"); &do_ls($currdir, $options); } } sub do_ls { my($dir, $options) = @@_; my($savedofs) = tell(LS_HANDLE); if (seek(LS_HANDLE, $main::directories{$dir,$main::FLD_OFS}, 0) != 1) { die "can't seek: $!\n"; } else { # readcurrdir() doesn't do a reseek 'cos we do. We know to where # ignore return status since we immediately do a seek &readcurrdir($main::FLG_LS_SHOW); } seek(LS_HANDLE, $savedofs, 0); } sub readcurrdir { my($flags) = @@_; my($ofs, $eofstat, $lsline, $endofdirls, $dir); my($savedofs) = tell(LS_HANDLE); $endofdirls = 0; $ofs = $savedofs; ($flags & $main::FLG_LS_SHOW) && (open(PAGER_PIPE, "|" . ($ENV{'PAGER'} || "/bin/more")) || die "can't open pipe to pager: $!\n"); while (!$endofdirls && ($lsline = )) { print PAGER_PIPE $lsline if ($flags & $main::FLG_LS_SHOW); if ($lsline eq "\n") { $endofdirls = 1; } elsif ($lsline =~ /^(.*):\n$/) { $dir = $1; if ($flags & $main::FLG_ST_ROOT) { $main::directories{$dir,$main::FLD_OFS} = $ofs; &msgs::debug(9, "readcurrdir: recording $dir $ofs"); } } $ofs = tell(LS_HANDLE); } ($flags & $main::FLG_LS_SHOW) && close PAGER_PIPE; seek(LS_HANDLE, $savedofs, 0) if ($flags & $main::FLG_RS_SEEK); $eofstat = !$endofdirls; return($eofstat); } sub cmd_cd { my($currdir, @@args) = @@_; my($returndir, $dir); $returndir = $currdir; if (defined($args[1])) { &message("cd: bad directory"); } elsif ($args[0] eq "") { &message("cd: no directory"); } elsif ($args[0] =~ /^\// && $main::directories{$dir=&ratdir("$args[0]"), $main::FLD_OFS} eq "") { &message("$dir: no such directory"); } elsif ($args[0] =~ /^[^\/]/ && $main::directories{$dir=&ratdir("$currdir/$args[0]"), $main::FLD_OFS} eq "") { &message("$dir: no such directory"); } else { $returndir = $dir; } return($returndir); } sub dirname { my($dir) = @@_; # /XXXXX --> / if ($dir =~ /^\/[^\/]+$/) { &msgs::debug(9, "dirname: type is /directory"); return("/"); # XXXXX --> . } elsif ($dir =~ /^[^\/]+$/) { &msgs::debug(9, "dirname: type is directory"); return("."); # PATH/XXXXX --> PATH } elsif ($dir =~ /^(.+)\/[^\/]+$/) { &msgs::debug(9, "dirname: $dir --> $1"); return($1); } else { &msgs::debug(3, "dirname: type is unknown: $dir"); } } sub message { print "@@_\n"; } sub usage { print STDERR "Usage: $main::progname [ -v ] [ -d level ] lsfile\n"; exit(1); } sub main { my(@@args) = @@_; my($cmd, $cmdline, @@cmdlinewords); my($lsfile, $dircnt); my($currdir, $eofstat, $rootdir, $quit); # Get the name of this program if ( $0 =~ /^.*\/(\w+)$/ ) { $main::progname = $1 ; } while (defined($args[0]) && $args[0] =~ /^-/) { $_ = shift(@@args); if (/^-d(.*)/) { $msgs::verboselevel = $1 ? $1 : shift(@@ARGV); } elsif (/^-v$/) { $msgs::verboselevel = 3; } else { &usage; } } ($lsfile = shift @@args) || &usage; (@@args) && &usage; # Open the list file # &zfiles::zopenr($lsfile, \*LS_HANDLE) || die "Couldn't open $lsfile: $!\n"; open(LS_HANDLE, $lsfile) || die "Couldn't open $lsfile: $!\n"; # Read the root directory ($eofstat, $rootdir) = &readrootdir($main::FLG_ST_ROOT); $eofstat && die "Only one directory!"; print ++$dircnt, "\r"; # Read subsequent directories while (&readcurrdir($main::FLG_ST_ROOT) == 0) { print ++$dircnt, "\r"; } # $verbose_flag && print "\n"; $currdir = $rootdir; print "$main::progname> "; $quit = 0; while(!$quit && ($cmdline = )) { # Read the command and chop it up chop($cmdline); @@cmdlinewords = split(/ /, $cmdline); $cmd = shift @@cmdlinewords; if ($cmd eq "ls") { &cmd_ls($currdir, @@cmdlinewords); } elsif ($cmd eq "exit") { $quit = 1; } elsif ($cmd eq "cd") { $currdir = &cmd_cd($currdir, @@cmdlinewords); } elsif ($cmd eq "pwd") { print "$currdir\n"; } elsif ($cmd =~ /!(.*)/) { system($1); } elsif ($cmd eq "") { ; } else { print "$cmd: bad command\n"; } print "$main::progname> "; } print "\n"; close(LS_HANDLE); exit(0); } exit(&main(@@ARGV)); @