head 1.1; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.1 date; author alexis; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @Config file for incp. @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @# ***************************** CHANGE THIS ***************************** # This is the phone number used to connect # Energis PHONE_NUMBER="08450798666" # London COLT PHONE_NUMBER="01716640666" # ***************************** CHANGE THIS ***************************** # This is the login supplied LOGIN="danae" # ***************************** CHANGE THIS ***************************** # And this is the password supplied PASSWORD="sdraiato" # ***************************** CHANGE THIS ***************************** # And this is the port the modem's on PORT=/dev/cua0 # ***************************** CHANGE THIS ***************************** # And this is the netmask NETMASK= # ***************************** CHANGE THIS ***************************** # This is the name of the machine that provides you with news NNTP_SERVER="news.demon.co.uk" # ***************************** CHANGE THIS ***************************** # This is a list of hosts which should be pinged in order to verify # that a quality connection has been made TESTHOSTS="gate.demon.co.uk" # ***************************** CHANGE THIS ***************************** # And these are the associated maximum acceptable data loss percentages # if any are exceeded then the phone will be replaced and redialled TESTLOSSES="10" # ***************************** CHANGE THIS ***************************** # This line is just here to ensure that you understand that this file # must be configured a little bit. If you complete the configuration then # you may change this to be true. CONFIGURED=true @