head 1.2; access; symbols; locks ahuxley:1.2; strict; comment @# @; 1.2 date; author ahuxley; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author ahuxley; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.2 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @
There is a frame 5 document that details the procedure. The original
of this document should remain in frame format, because the document is
processed automatically by VLT.
The latest version is available at:
host: te16
directory: /root/docs
frame file: installing_hpux10.frame
postscript file: installing_hpux10.ps
@ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d9 1 a9 1Peter Bishop has a document available on setting this up. It is located at:
d24 1 a24 2host: te?? directory: ~pbishop/vlt framemaker file: Install_CD+DAT_MAY97_HP-UX.B.10.10 postscript file: Install_CD+DAT_MAY97_HP-UX.B.10.10.ps
d26 1 a26 114Giorgio holds a copy of the latest version, which he should not alter, but it is probably worthwhile checking that he has not altered it.
After completing the instructions in this document, there are additional commands that need to be run to make the machine conformant with other HP-UX 10.10 machines in VLT at ESO. These are detailed here.
The Framemaker 5 source can be found in the directory te13:/home/te13c/vltsccm/vlt/doc/VLT-MAN-ESO-17200-0642/issue_1.8/text/install/HP-UX/ and the file is called install_MAY97_HP-UX.B.10.10. There is a postscript version available in the same directory call install_MAY97_HP-UX.B.10.10.ps.
When doing the "Configuration Files for HP-UX" section, if configuring an HP-UX 10.10 machine then the retrieval of configuration files amounts to the following:
# umask 022
# ftp <another_vlt_server>
username (root): root
password: <password>
ftp> cd /etc
ftp> lcd /etc
ftp> !mkdir /root
ftp> get passwd
ftp> !passwd root
New password: <new_password>
Re-enter new password: <new_password>
ftp> !mv /.Xauthority /.profile /.vue* /.sw* /.sh_* /root
ftp> !vi /root/.profile
and ensure that the profile contains the following lines:
umask 022
PS1="`uname -n`# "; export PS1
Then resume the ftp session with:
ftp> get group
ftp> get hosts
and ensure that this machine is on the hosts distribution list
ftp> get auto_master
ftp> get auto_home
ftp> get motd
ftp> get csh.login
and ensure that this machine is on the csh.login distribution list
ftp> get hosts.equiv
ftp> lcd /bin
ftp> cd /bin
ftp> get tcsh
ftp> !chmod 555 /bin/tcsh
ftp> cd /root
ftp> lcd /root
ftp> get .rhosts
ftp> get .profile
ftp> ^D
# telnet localhost
login: root
password: <password>
Verify that root can successfully log in *before* logging out.
Rdist must be fixed on a HP-UX 10.10 system as follows:
# cd /usr/bin
# mv rdist rdist.00
# ln -s /opt/rdist/bin/rdist rdist
# ln -s /opt/rdist/bin/rdistd rdistd
# cd /opt
# ln -s /usr/server/opt/rdist rdist
Then from the HP-UX Rdist server (te16), distribute all appropriate things; probably
Create non-LVM filesystems on any other disks and export them using sam.
Add an entry to /etc/fstab:
te16:/usr/server /usr/server nfs ro,suid,soft,bg 0 0
Create directories
drwxrwxr-x 2 vltmgr vlt /disk?/vlt_mgr
Go into sam and create a new kernel - WITHOUT MODIFYING ANY PARAMETERS - this is because sam puts extra drivers into the kernel without prompting, and these updated config file is used as the starting point for automatic patches by the VLT team.
After the reboot, on the /usr/server server, create /usr/server/etc/fadscan/<new_host>.cfg, and on the new host create directories with commands:
# mkdir -p /var/local/fadscan
# mkdir -p /var/adm/fadscan
Then take an initial snapshot of the system with:
# fadscan -i -y -v <new_host>
and then add the following entry to root's crontab:
0 0 * * 1-5 /usr/server/bin/fadscan -c -m <designated_fadscan_admin_email_address> <new_host>
$Header: /home/ct/serco/ahuxley/docs/html/serco-faq/new/software/os/RCS/install-hpux-vlt.html,v 1.1 1997/06/16 20:06:20 ahuxley Exp $