Duplicating HP-UX10.10 and 10.20 Installation Media

Introduction / Philosophy

This page outlines the procedure for duplicating the two essential and one optional HP-UX distribution media for VLT from DAT and from CDROM.

Note that you should analyse the output from the commands very carefully for errors; depending what products you are duplicating. what products other people have duplicated via the same machines before and a few other criteria, you will receive different log messages some of which may indicate errors. If you are unsure whether the process has worked, then test it!

Procedure to Duplicate HP-UX 10.10 'INSTALL' DAT Tape to DAT Tape

Find a location on the disk large enough to store a 25Mb file (in this example /tmp).

Read the HP-UX 10.10 'INSTALL' DAT tape (P/N B3782-10064) to a file with:

te16# dd if=/dev/rmt/0m of=/tmp/install_tape.image bs=2k

then insert a blank DAT tape and write the file out with:

te16# dd if=/tmp/install_tape.image of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k

You may verify the contents of the tape by booting from it.

Procedure to Duplicate HP-UX 10.10 'CORE-OS' CDROM to DAT Tape

Determine the CDROM drive device file with the command:

te16# ioscan -f

Insert the HP-UX 10.10 'CORE-OS' CDROM (P/N B3782-10084), and mount the device (in this example /dev/dsk/c1t2d0) *without* the 'cdcase' option; use the explicit command to mount rather that relying on /etc/fstab which may set the cdcase option anyway:

te16# mount -o ro /dev/c1t2d0 /cdrom

You may verify that it has been mounted without 'cdcase' by ensuring that file names under /cdrom contain capital letters.

Insert a blank DAT tape and run:

te16# cd /cdrom
te16# swpackage -s /cdrom -x target_type=tape [0-9A-Z]*
te16# umount /cdrom

You may verify that the components have been written by running swinstall interactively, to browse the contents of the tape.

Procedure to Duplicate Selected HP-UX 10.10 Applications from 'Applications' CDROM to DAT Tape

Note that applications may *NOT* be directly duplicated from the CDROM - there is a copy-protection mechanism which prevents this. The must be copied to hard-disk depot, and then re-packaged on to tape.

Note that applications will not copy the a tape correctly unless also accompanied by the English HP-UX VUE Runtime Environment package.

Determine the CDROM drive device file with the command:

te16# ioscan -f

Insert the HP-UX 10.10 'CORE-OS' CDROM (P/N B3782-10084), and mount the device (in this example /dev/dsk/c1t2d0) *without* the 'cdcase' option; use the explicit command to mount rather that relying on /etc/fstab which may set the cdcase option anyway:

te16# mount -o ro /dev/c1t2d0 /cdrom

You may verify that it has been mounted without 'cdcase' by ensuring that file names under /cdrom contain capital letters.

Copy The HPUX VUE English Runtime Environment to an online depot (in this example /diska/depot) with the command:

te16# swcopy -s /cdrom -v -x target_directory=/diska/depot HPUXEngRT700

Then unmount the CDROM.

Insert the HP-UX 10.1 'Applications' CDROM (P/N B3782-10096), and mount the device (in this example /dev/dsk/c1t2d0) *without* the 'cdcase' option; use the explicit command to mount rather that relying on /etc/fstab which may set the cdcase option anyway:

te16# mount -o ro /dev/c1t2d0 /cdrom

You may verify that it has been mounted without 'cdcase' by ensuring that file names under /cdrom contain capital letters.

Determine the Product ID's of the products that you wish to copy to the depot by running 'swinstall' or 'swcopy' interactively and aborting the installation or copy after you have determined the ID's from the menu and before the install or copy is started. DO NOT INSTALL PRODUCTS TO THE DEPOT MACHINE!

Select the required applications (in this example HP-UX Developer's Toolkit for 10.0 Series 700, HP C/ANSI C Developer's Bundle for HP-UX 10.0 (S700), HP FORTRAN/S700 Compiler and its associated products, Enware X Station Software).

Now copy the selected products to the depot with the correct command (which for this example is...):

te16# swcopy -s /cdrom -v -x target_directory=/diska/depot B3393AA_APX B3898AA_APX B3906AA_APX B4474EA

Note that some of the selected products may be installed already; examine the output very carefully for errors. Then unmount the CDROM.

Once installed to a depot (in this example /diska/depot), the selected packages, *EXCLUDING* the English HP-UX VUE Runtime Environment can be copied to tape with the command:

te16# swpackage -s /diska/depot -x target_type=tape B3393AA_APX B3898AA_APX B3906AA_APX B4474EA

To verify that the duplication has been successful, use swinstall interactively specifying the DAT tape drive as depot source and proceed as far as analysing the products you select from the DAT tape.

Procedure to Duplicate HP-UX 10.20 Install/CORE-OS CDROM

No procedure exists at this time.

Procedure to Duplicate HP-UX 10.20 Extensions CDROM to DAT

This has not been attempted yet, but the extensions CDROM is in 'depot' format, and as such can by copied to an online depot with 'swcopy' and then copied to a DAT with 'swcopy'. The procedure will be very similar to the procedure to duplicate 10.10 applications from CDROM to DAT.

Procedure to Duplicate HP-UX 10.20 Selected Applications

This has not been attempted yet, but the procedure will be identical to that for duplicating HP-UX 10.10 applications from CDROM to DAT.

Procedure to Make an ESO/VLT/HPUX OS Patch Tape

Note that this tape is for both HP-UX 10.10 and 10.20.

On te16, put a blank tape in the DAT drive and run:

te16$ /usr/server/bin/make_hpux10_patch_tape -t
te16$ /usr/server/bin/make_hpux10_patch_tape -V

Note the version number and label the tape accordingly.

$Header: /home/ct/serco/ahuxley/docs/html/serco-faq/new/software/os/vlt-hpux-probs-and-procs/duplicating-hpux.html,v 1.2 1997/08/14 10:02:52 ahuxley Exp ahuxley $