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Rocon, Mondisks and Fadscan

Introduction / Philosophy

These are programs written by Alexis.

Fadscan is similar to cops or tripwire. It has manual pages online and a home page at http://www.danae.demon.co.uk/software.

Mondisks sends out disk-full alerts.

Rocon is wrapper for remsh and rcp for dealing with groups of machines, even in a non-NIS environment; it's useful for one-off distributions, and project-wide checks.

All these programs are (C) Alexis Huxley, but distributed under the terms of GPL2.

$Header: /home/ct/serco/ahuxley/docs/html/serco-faq/new/software/free-software/RCS/rocon-and-fadscan.html,v 1.1 1997/06/16 18:57:23 ahuxley Exp ahuxley $

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Rocon and Fadscan

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These are programs written by Alexis. Fadscan is similar to cops or tripwire. It has manual pages online. Rocon is wrapper for remsh and rcp for dealing with groups of machines, even in a non-NIS environment.

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