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Introduction / Philosophy

Rdist is used heavily to distrbute free software and system configuration files.Youee also the section for rdist in Network Services.

Solaris 2

Rdist version 6 comes as part of Solaris 2.

HPUX 10.10

This is only swinstalled on te16, but all systems - including te16 - have a symlink from /opt/rdist to /usr/server/opt/rdist. This is the policy with all the Liverpool packages. This link must be created *before* the installation on te16, but may be created afterwards on all other HPUX 10.10 machines.

For rdist only, all systems have symlinks from /usr/bin to /opt/rdist/bin for the commands rdist and rdistd in order that Suns can distribute things to HPs.

HPUX 9.05

The sources are to rdist 6.1.3 are compiled on te13, according to the documentation, and installed under /opt with:

te13# make install
te13# make install.man

From te16:~root/rdist/hpux9/rdist then copy the freshly made executables over to te16 with:

te16# cd ~/rdist/hpux9/rdist
te16# remsh te13 "cd /; tar cf - ./opt/rdist" | tar xvf -

If there is no /opt/rdist/bin/rdistd executable *and* /usr/bin/rdistd symlink to it, then you will need to create these on all other HPUX 9.05 machines first.

Then rdist can be rdisted from te16:~root/rdist/hpux9/rdist with the command:

te16# cd ~/rdist/hpux9/rdist
te16# rdist -f Distfile rdist

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Introduction / Philisophy

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