head 1.5; access; symbols; locks ahuxley:1.5; strict; comment @# @; 1.5 date; author ahuxley; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author ahuxley; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author ahuxley; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author ahuxley; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author ahuxley; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.5 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @
This page describes what machines have what versions of rdist and where they came from. It also describes, at the highest level where possible, what is distributed from where to where and which machines then NFS mount that, and whether read-only or read-write.
Solaris machines have rdist version 6 installed as part of their Solaris distribution.
The default version of rdist on HP-UX 10 is version 3, which is incompatible with version 6 which runs on poisson (the principle distribution server). On VLT HP-UX 10 machines, the HPP&AC's rdist-6.1.3 package has been installed on te16:/usr/server/opt/rdist; /usr/server is NFS-mounted by the other VLT HP-UX 10 machines. All of the HP-UX 10 machines have symbolic links redirecting /usr/bin/rdist and /usr/bin/rdistd to the version under /usr/server/opt/rdist.
On VLT HP 9 machines, the *SOURCES* of the HPP&AC's rdist-6.1.3 package have been compiled on te13, copied to te16:/root/rdist/hpux9/rdist, and rdisted from te16 to the HPUX 9 machines in /opt/rdist. There are symbolic links under /usr/bin so that remote systems may invoke rdistd. This definitely needs to be tidied up.
OS | Directory | Rdist Server | Rdist Clients/NFS Servers |
HP-UX 10 | /software | te16 | N/A |
HP-UX 10 | /usr/server | te16 | N/A |
HP-UX 9 | /software | N/A | N/A |
HP-UX 9 | /usr/server | N/A | N/A |
Solaris 2 | /software | poisson | various |
Solaris 2 | /usr/server | poisson | various |
SunOS 4.1.3 | /software | N/A | N/A |
SunOS 4.1 3 | /usr/server | N/A | N/A |
Master copy: responsibility of networks team
Destination: all NIS servers, and non-NIS'd machines
Configuration: poisson:/rdist/etc/hosts/Distfile and Makefile
/etc/hosts is updated *only* by the networks team! They copy it to poisson, from where a 'make' in the configuration directory will distribute it.
Master copy: poisson:/diska/rdist/etc/resolv/resolv.conf
Destination: all machines
Configuration: poisson:/diska/rdist/etc/resolv/Distfile
Master copy: poisson:/diska/rdist/etc/group/group
Destination: non-VLT NIS masters and non-VLT non-NIS
Configuration file: poisson:/diska/rdist/etc/group/Distfile
Master copy: te16:/etc/PATH, te16:/etc/MANPATH
Destination: all HP-UX 10 VLT machines
Configuration: te16:~root/rdist/hpux10/path/Distfile
Master copy: te16:/etc/profile, te16:/etc/csh.login
Destination: all VLT HPUX 10.10 machines
Configuration: te16:~root/rdist/hpux10/profile+csh.login/Distfile
Master copies: te16:~root/rdist/all_vlt/motd
Destination: all VLT machines
Configuration: te16:~root/rdist/all_vlt/motd/Distfile
Master copy: /root/rdist/all_vlt/rhosts/rhosts
Destination: all VLT machines
Configuration: te16:~root/rdist/all_vlt/rhosts/Distfile
@ 1.4 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d13 4 a16 5This page contains details of the use of rdist at ESO/Serco. It describes what machines have what versions of rdist and where they came from. It also describes, at the highest level where possible, what is distributed from where to where and which machines then NFS mount that, and whether read-only or read-write.
d23 7 a29 5On VLT HP10 machines, the HPP&AC's rdist-6.1.3 package has been installed on te16:/usr/server/opt/rdist which is NFS-mounted by the other VLT HP 10 machines. There are symbolic links under /usr/bin so that remote systems may invoke rdistd. (rdistd is expected by rdist clients to reside in /usr/bin!)
d32 1 a32 1 package have been compiled on te13, copied to te16, removed from te13 again, d34 2 a35 1 are symbolic links under /usr/bin so that remote systems may invoke rdistd. d37 1 a37 1Master copy: web3:/usr/server
Destination: designated Solaris 2 /usr/server servers, at least one in
each ESO domain
Configuration file: web3:/software/RDIST/Distfile
Command: web3# /usr/server/bin/rdist -f Distfile <item>
On the non-VLT Sun machines, web3 is the rdist server for /usr/server. It is not NFS mounted, but only distributed. The designated /usr/server servers are then NFS mounted by the other machines within the same NIS domain. They are hard-mounted read-write using the automounter.
d45 1 a45 1Master copy: mc5:/usr/server
Destination: disgnated SunOS 4.1.3 /usr/server servers
Configuration file: mc5: /usr/server/all
Command: mc5# rdist -f Distfile
Master copy: te16:/usr/server
Destination: nowhere yet
Configuration file: te16:~root/rdist/hpux10/usr_server/Distfile
On the VLT HPUX 10.10 machines, te16 is not currently an rdist server for /usr/server, although if other divisions of ESO using HPUX 10.10 want to receive distributions then it could become so. It itself is NFS mounted (by other HPUX 10 machines in VLT) and is also used by itself. It is soft-mounted read-only by fstab. Even though te16:/usr/server is not rdisted, /opt/<packagename> are symbolic links to /usr/server/opt/<packagename>, hence the existence of configuration file.
d57 2 a58 1The command to perform this distribution is:
d60 2 a61 1#te16 cd ~/rdist/hpux10; rdist -f Distfile usr_server
d63 1 a63 1There is no /usr/server for VLT HPUX 9 machines at the moment. It is hoped that with the upgrade to HPUX 10.20 the HPUX 9 machines will also be upgraded.
d67 2 a68 1te1 is on the non-VLT /usr/server rdist distribution list. The other VLT Solaris 2 machines then NFS mount te1:/usr/server.
d73 1 a73 8A possible alternative is to make a /usr/server server especially for VLT Solaris 2 machines (e.g. te1) and to remove te1 from the non-VLT /usr/server rdist distribution list. The advantages of this would be that /usr/server would be much smaller and tighter (meaning one which where possible used easily updatable packages, a tighter directory structure - containing *only* bin bin/X11 etc lib sbin src doc info opt) and would be more easily maintained since whereever possible pre-packaged software is used in VLT. The disadvantage is that it would make it out of line with the rest of ESO.
d75 57 a131 1Master copy: mc5:/diska/rdist/etc/resolv/resolv.conf
d145 1
a145 1
Configuration: mc5:/diska/rdist/etc/resolv/Distfile
Master copy: mc5:/diska/rdist/etc/group/group
d152 1
a152 1
Configuration file: mc5:/diska/rdist/etc/group/Distfile
The command to perform this distribution is:
d164 1 a164 10#te16 cd ~/rdist/hpux10; rdist -f Distfile PATH
Note that the host list is a subset of those for /opt/<packagename>. Eventually these should be merged, but modifying users' paths may cause conflicts and should be done carefully. See also "Software - GNU/Public - VLT" below.
Master copy: te16:/etc/profile
d166 1
a166 11
Configuration: te16:~root/rdist/hpux10/profile+csh.login/Distfile
Master copy: te16:/etc/csh.login
Destination: selected VLT HPUX 10.10 machines
Configutation file: te16:~root/rdist/hpux10/profile+csh.login/Distfile
Planned, but not implemented yet.
d168 1 a168 1Planned, but not implemented yet.
d174 1 a174 1Planned, but not implemented yet.
d182 1 a182 2$Header: /home/ct/serco/ahuxley/docs/html/serco-faq/new/network-services/rdist/RCS/index.html,v 1.1 1997/06/13 12:34:38 ahuxley Exp $
@ 1.3 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d96 1 a96 1Master copy: responsibility of networks team (mc5:/diska/rdist/etc/hosts/hosts)
d98 1
a98 1
Configuration: mc5:/diska/rdist/etc/hosts/Distfile
On VLT HP10 machines, the Liverpool rdist-6.1.3 package has been installed on te16:/usr/server/opt/rdist which is NFS-mounted by the other VLT HP 10 machines. There are symbolic links under /usr/bin so that remote systems may invoke rdistd.
On VLT HP 9 machines, the *SOURCES* of the Liverpool rdist-6.1.3 package have been compiled on te13, copied to te16 and rdisted to /opt/rdist on the VLT HP 9 machines from there. There are symbolic links under /usr/bin so that remote systems may invoke rdistd.
d82 11 a92 17te1 is on the non-VLT /usr/server rdist list, but there is no /usr/server for the other VLT Solaris 2 machines at the moment. It is hoped that when the /usr/server model becomes stable for HP 10.10 machines, the we will do the same for the VLT Suns. Either by:
nominating a /usr/server server (e.g. te1) and add it to the /usr/server master's rdist list and then have the remaining VLT Suns NFS mount that. This would be conformant with the other ESO Suns.
or make a new /usr/server master (e.g. te1) and then have the remaining VLT Suns NFS mount that. This would not be conformant with other ESO Suns, but might make for a 'tighter' /usr/server; meaning one which where possible used easily updatable packages, and a tighter directory structure - containing *only* bin bin/X11 etc lib sbin src doc info opt.