Setting Up a NetQue Box

Introduction / Philosophy

Note that this page specifies a procedure used at another site, not at ESO.


Connect the NetQue box via the serial line, and issue the following commands:

login: fred
NetQue> su
Password: system
NetQue> define server ip <netque_ip_address>
NetQue> define server subnet <netque_subnet_mask>
NetQue> change node defrtr ip <default_gateway> gateway default
NetQue> change port 3 echo will dont
NetQue> sync
NetQue> logout

Verify that all is ok, by cycling the power on the NetQue box, and issueing the commands:

login: fred
NetQue> su
Password: system
NetQue> show server tcp
NetQue> show route
NetQue> logout

You can print directly to the printer on the NetQue box by issueing the Unix command:

# ls | rprint <netque_ip_address> job=test -pc 2501 -TEXT -ld

You can reset the NetQue box to it's "out of the box" state with the command:

NetQue> init delay 0 default

$Header: /home/ct/serco/ahuxley/docs/html/serco-faq/new/network-services/printing/RCS/setting-up-netque.html,v 1.2 1997/08/14 10:02:06 ahuxley Exp ahuxley $