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Printing Landscape (and other formats)

Introduction / Philosophy

At the moment there are no special commands for doing this sort of thing. But by examining an appropriate 'model' file, the escape sequences can be found. So for landscape on a laserjet, for example. look in te16:/usr/spool/lp/model/laserjet for "landscape". For other formats look elsewhere in the same file, for other printers look in the corresponding printer model file.

HP Commands for Landscape Printing

hp$ ( echo "\033&l0O\c"; cat <filename>; echo "\033&l10\c" ) | lp -d <printername>

Solaris Commands for Landscape Printing

sun$ ( echo -n "\033&l0O"; cat <filename>; echo "\033&l10" ) | lp -d <printername>

For JetAdmin under Solaris 2.5 printing ascii files only

sun$ lp -d <printername> -o landscape <filename>

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