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ESO Printer Client Configuration

Introduction / Philosophy

You should write some introductory text here. If you haven't got any introductory text then leave the title in place anyway, and just put your own title underneath, like this:


All Solaris 2.x printers on all hosts are set up the same way

All HP-UX printers are set up via a script available from Alexis Huxley

More Introduction

The commands for setting up a client's printers within ESO are as follows. On the client machine log in as root and type the following,

# set up the print host name

lpsystem -t bsd print

# add the remote printer

lpadmin -p <printer> -s print -I any

enable <printer>

accept <printer>

The printer is now installed.

Printers list command

A comand is available to view current printers within ESO. This is located in the directory


It's associated print file is located in


Both files are rdisted from poisson. The nprint.dat master file is located on web4 and is used to generate the ESO printer web pages, via a perl script called nprint.

These files are located on


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