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You can use sam, but for speed and especially in remsh wrapper scripts doing the same action to multiple systems, manually installing printers is a lot easier.
Note there is a script for adding a large number of printers to large number of hosts. It is located at:
host: te16
directory: /root/bin
file: install_some_printers_on_some_hosts
The command sequence is given below:
# lpadmin -p <local_and_remote_printer_name> -I any -s <printer_server>
If the system doesn't recognise the name of the printer server, then enter the command:
# lpsystem -t bsd <printer_server>
and then continue with:
# accept <local_printer_name>
# enable <local_printer_name>
@ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d5 1 a5 1 d17 7 d39 1 a39 2 # enable <local_printer_name>