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Network Services - WWW

Introduction / Philosophy

blah blah blah

  • Personal Web Pages
  • Create directory web4:~/public_html
    Put your stuff under there
    Then run the command:

    web4$ webcp -v public_html

    Make sure that the permissions on web4 are sufficient; webcp sets up the same permissions on the destination web servers.

    The pages will be accessible under http://www.eso.org/~username/

    $Header: /home/ct/serco/ahuxley/docs/html/serco-faq/new/network-services/RCS/www.html,v 1.1 1997/06/13 12:34:30 ahuxley Exp $

    @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d3 1 a3 1

    Introduction / Philisophy

    d22 1 a22 1

