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Telephone and FAX Facilities

Introduction / Philosophy

blah blah blah

Outside line is 0

International dialling code is 00

Germany country code is +49

Munich area code is (0)89

Angela's fax number is (089) 32006 380

Reception's fax number is (089) 32023 62

ESO phone number is (089) 32006 plus extension number

There is no 'pickup' or 'transfer' facility

There is an online phone list on nfs2:/usr/server/etc/phone-list.txt

FAX gateway

$Header: RCS/telephones.html,v 1.1 1997/06/13 12:34:53 ahuxley Exp ahuxley $

@ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d1 9 a9 2

ESO, Outside Serco - Telephone and FAX Facilities

d21 1 a21 1

Munich country code is (0)89

d29 3 a31 1

There is no 'pickup' or 'transfer' facility.

d35 1 a35 1

d37 2 a38 1


d40 2 a41 7 @