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Creating VLT Accounts

Introduction / Philosophy

This section deals with creating accounts in the VLT domain. It covered normal user accounts and software or project admin accounts.


First create a normal ESO account as documented elsewhere.

Then on te16, run

te16# /root/bin/make_new_vlt_user

and follow the prompts.

Note that this program randomly suggests one of te16c, te16d, te67e or te67f as a home directory.

New users should be informed of the account creation and told to change the password as soon as possible. If they wish to get a list of places that the password will need changing then they may run:

te16$ /usr/server/sbin/rocon -l +NONIS +NISSERVER

on any HP-UX 10 system.


@ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d5 1 a5 1 d9 1 a9 1

Creating ESO Accounts

d13 3 d22 12 a33 1

te16# /root/alexis/create_new_vlt_user

d35 1 a35 1

and follow the prompts.

d37 1 a37 1
