Alexis's HelpMe Pages: Linux Sysadmin Tasks: Software Management: Archiving Software

  1. All software that is to be archived should be immediately moved to /pub/incoming. Root access is not needed to do this.
  2. Then at you leisure, as root, set the owner and group to root, and make the file permissions 444. (The file itself will not be altered so write permission on the file is not needed. This does not mean the file cannot be deleted.)
  3. Finally move the file to the correct destination directory under /pub/software. It's probably easiest to move it there, look at what subdirectories exist, move it into one of those, cd to there, look at what subdirectories exist, and so on.

$Header: /diska/home/alexis/dev/helpme/doc/linux-sysadmin-tasks/software-management/RCS/archiving-software.html,v 1.1 1998/09/05 10:49:31 alexis Exp $