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Alexis's HelpMe Pages: Linux Sysadmin Tasks: News: Subscribing your machine to a specific newsgroup

  • As root run the following command:
  • root# su - news

  • Then, having just become 'news', run the following command:
  • news$ addgroup

  • If this results in an error message indicating that the command could not be found then add the following line to .profile, exit from being 'news' and repeat these instructions:
  • PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/news/maint

  • Assuming that when as news you now run the 'addgroup' command it results in an error message indicating that more arguments are required, now locate the newsgroup in the current list of available newsgroups and note the posting flag (a single letter).
  • Now run the command:
  • news$ addgroup <name_of_newsgroup_you_wish_to_add> <posting_flag>

  • Next, return to being root, by exiting out of the 'su' with CTRL-D.
  • Finally add the the following entry to /etc/suck/sucknewsrc:
  • <name_of_newsgroup_you_wish_to_add> -1

    $Header: /diska/home/alexis/dev/helpme/doc/linux-sysadmin-tasks/news/RCS/subscribing.html,v 1.5 1998/09/02 11:59:15 alexis Exp alexis $ @ 1.5 log @changed RCS Id for RCS Header to get full path @ text @a2 2 d4 1 a4 1 d53 1 a53 1

    $Header: subscribing.html,v 1.4 1998/09/02 08:24:14 alexis Exp alexis $ @ 1.4 log @corrected typo @ text @d55 1 a55 1

    $Id: subscribing.html,v 1.3 1998/09/02 08:20:12 alexis Exp alexis $ @ 1.3 log @corrected RCS id problem @ text @d35 1 a35 1 the newsgroup in the current list of available newsgroups and not the posting d55 1 a55 1

    $Id$ @ 1.2 log @changed images path to be relative changed RCS id from 'Header' to 'Id' @ text @d55 1 a55 2

    $Id: /home/ct/serco/ahuxley/docs/html/serco-faq/new/network-services/news/RCS/index.html,v 1.1 1997/06/13 12:34:31 ahuxley Exp $ @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d53 1 a53 1

    d55 1 a55 1

    $Header: /home/ct/serco/ahuxley/docs/html/serco-faq/new/network-services/news/RCS/index.html,v @